For Honor Guide

How to be a Jerk ( Shugoki edition ) for For Honor

How to be a Jerk ( Shugoki edition )


Do you love fat people, ever dream of throwing people into spike pits, maybe you love giving people some loveWell then this is the guide for you.

The Path of the Goober

Wow so It turns out a lot of people like playing video games as an obese man who’s
kit is repositioning enemies and being able to tank fat damage , to a point where it’s almost become a trope. ( ie Roadhog and Fat Ken) If you look forward to characters like this then Shugoki is going to make your day

You get a big stick as your weapon which can be udderly devastating in the right circumstances with its long range
and amazing damage he makes for quite tool for crowd control

This guide will help you best utilize his Moveset to your advantage.

The basics

some of the simpler ways you can damage anyone are–

  • light attacks
  • heavy attacks
  • light to heavy
  • heavy to heavy
  • Your unblockable heavy ( hold heavy until it flashes orange)

    Now these are all basic techniques that you should already know if you’ve played Shugoki for more then 8 minutes.
    And trust me when I say these will be your best friends soon enough

Movement Mania and Repositioning Rats

Yay the fun part or at least my favorite, this is half the moveset after all.

The Movement (and movement related attacks)

  • Funny man rush / because you have so much uh… Bulk you move at a considerably slower speed compared to your peers often being obsolete in many fights if you aren’t quick enough. Now, to activate it you need to be outside guard mode and begin sprinting. after you’ve started sprinting press the dodge key ( spacebar if you aren’t a sadist) and he will start zooming. Any Enemy in the path you are moving at will be thrown back ( you may use this to knock people off ledges or throw off their attacks) but be weary the moment the short burst of speed ends you come to a halt.
  • funny man smash AKA the Gank beaker / when you are not in guard mode and are sprinting hit the heavy key and you will quickly bonk the target nearest to you.

Repositioning goblins Finally 🙂

  • Gamer Hug / to activate you need to hold your heavy for ~ 1 to 2 seconds then you hit your guard break to give them a nice hug. ( the animation lasts for around 4 seconds and it can be broken by other heavy attacks) When you hear crunch you get 20 hp restored and your stamina is fully recharged. After you do this the enemy will change positions to behind you so you can use this to your advantage get the enemy in a undesirable place i.e a cliff.
  • Out my face Cuz / when a enemy is close to a cliff or a fall this is when this move really shines. To activate hit the guard break and a heavy to knock them back a impressive distance. Best part with this ( besides the insta-kill potential) is your throw can hit more then one enemy which can knock them back as well.
  • Duuuh Headbutt mania / this may be a controversial location to put this move but it’s more of a tool to move some folks. To activate after a heavy or a light immediately after press the guard break key to use your head for once and stun the target for a bit.

The Juicy Combos

Finally the moment you’ve all been waiting for and as the title states
using what I’m about to show you will certify you as gigachad to your friends
and a Jerk to your enemies

  • Headbutt to hug/ after hitting a nice clean headbutt you get some time to wind up hug and it also stops the enemy from being able to run out of range or try and stun you.
  • headbutt to unblockable heavy / with this you are hitting the enemy twice for a lot of damage it you do a heavy to activate the headbutt.
  • hug to guard break to throw / as the title implies if you are backed against a pit you can hug switch positions and throw them off the cliff instead
  • SUPA HOT The Giga Chain/ a near impenetrable combo ( unless they aren’t a shoelace brain and can parry) to start do a Heavy to a headbutt, after that Hug them , and once the animation is over do a heavy unblockable then REPEAT UNTIL TARGET IS DEAD OR THEY START TO GANK.

There is much more but those are the most effective ones I decided to list

The Positives of Pounds

With great girth comes great responsibility

-Confucius 509 B.C

Now he was spitting facts when he said this and it greatly applies to Shugoki.
He has Hyper-Armor which means, he is able to do heavy and light chains without
being interrupted. This is quite the asset the more you think on it.

As well as being quite the heavy hitter he has the second most health of any character in for honor.
Use this to your advantage, your Hyper-Armor can stop you from getting stunned
and your high health pool can allow you to tank.

Makeshift shield

Because of your lackluster speed you are going to need to chill on points more often
then you would a lot of other Heroes. For this reason practice your blocking and Gank
Management it will take you a very long way.

The mindset ( not nessicery)

Kind unessicery but I would appreciate it if you to read it

To be a shield you need to act like the shield, try to be the glue keeping the orochi from blaming
the whole team for evenly distributed missteps. Be kind when others make mistakes, and help them to not make the same mistake. Lead your team to victory and sit on your opponents as you do so.
Be toxic to the other team, it adds inclination to win making the game more fun.

Go on boys Make For Honor Based Again

Au Revoir , make papa proud

Well you made it, now you should know the in’s and out’s of our lovable Fatass.

I hope all that I’ve taught you today will help you on your road of glory. Thank you
for spending time out of your day to read my guide on how to win as the funny fat man.

I hope whoever reading this has a great day.