unfitting image amiright? but anyway this will help you take them out with no casualties to you or the dog
step one. equipment
you will need the motorcycle the shotgun the teddy bear(ill cover how to get that later) the sickle the axe and the dog(so he survives)
step two. get the bear and plans for killing siren
have one person hold the box while the other gets the axe then cut down the door to the girls bathroom. use the toilet till the bear falls. leave the axe in the girls bathroom then hide in the tree next to it.
step 3 death and profit
place the teddy near the door where the box is but not at the door crush the murderer with the box then have the person with the dog jump onto the box then wait for him to get the teddy bear have someone with a sickle hit him.he cannot hurt or stun you if he has the bear. dont mash the hit button or the bear will break. once he dies grab the shotgun with both shells loaded into it and shoot the ginger with machete twice before he hits you then crash into him with cycle and jump before the cycle hits him.hit him while he is down with his own machete.after that and he is dead. then have your person hiding near the bathroom grab the axe out of the bathroom and get to the end of the dock quickly. then wait for siren to spawn and mash the attack button on her from behind. you will then have beaten lakeview cabin 3 and are now a mlg pro at it.