Fistful of Frags Guide

How to be ZORRO UPDATED 11/10/19 for Fistful of Frags

How to be ZORRO UPDATED 11/10/19


How to be the greatest swordfighter that the land has ever seen

Who is Zorro?

“It began ten years ago, when I was but a lad of fifteen,” he said. “I heard tales of persecution. I saw my friends, the frailes, annoyed and robbed. I saw soldiers beat an old native who was my friend. And then I determined to play this game.

“It would be a difficult game to play, I knew. So I pretended to have small interest in life, so that men never would connect my name with that of the highwayman I expected to become. In secret, I practiced horsemanship and learned how to handle a blade . . . One half of me was the languid Don Diego you all knew, and the other half was the Curse of Capistrano I hoped one day to be. And then the time came, and my work began.

“It is a peculiar thing to explain, señores. The moment I donned cloak and mask, the Don Diego part of me fell away. My shoulders straightened, new blood seemed to course through my veins, my voice grew strong and firm, fire came to me! And the moment I removed cloak and mask I was the languid Don Diego again. Is it not a peculiar thing?”

-Don Diego De La Vega, on why he became Zorro. ‘Curse of Capistrano’, 1919.

Greetings señores. I am El Zorro. I know you must have many questions:

1. Where is Zorro?
2. Who is Zorro?
3. I’m hungry
4. How can you teach me to be Zorro?

The first question is irrelevent, and the third is… oh,apologies, here is some pasta i had.

But the second and fourth. The fourth, well let me answer. I will use this guide to show you how I fight and act. The second question, take a look at this:

Simple as that. so, you want to become me?



1. Desperados

Now, whis map is my favorite map of all time. Lots of hiding places, lots of crafty ways of fighting, lots of dark corners you can hide in. Its perfect. It also fits in to the towns that Zorro fights evil in. The Spire allows for you to jump over the heads of enemigos who try to take the Gold chest. The Gold Chest itself is secluded, and if your team happens to secure the area, you can buy machetes very easily. Beware however, as sharpshooters love this map, an will strike at the worst possible moments for you.

2. Depot

While this map may have lots of wide-open areas and many perches for sharpshooters to fire upon you, but there are quite a few buildings for a crafty Zorro to take cover in, and there are piles of whiskey scattered around every single corner, meaning that you will not have to worry about Smith players too much. However, one problema with the map is that the golden chest is only obtainable sometimes, and even then, the train tends to clip and kills you after buying one, leaving only the more expensive red chest open to buy machetes.

3. Revenge

This snowy little map is fun for close-quarters. It has a very bad gold chest zone, however, the red chests are both very well-placed and the map has plenty of ways for Zorro’s to get the drop on enemigos. The rooftops are your friends, as are the tunnels. Overall, it is a simple map, and is easy to play on.

4. Overtop

This map is one of the most hated in the entire game. However, I rather like it. It has a unique layout to it, with Zorros being able to use an element of hight and surprise to their advantage. The chests are not in bad places either, and the elevator is fun for quick getaways and suspenseful moments. however, some sides of the map look similar to others, leading to me getting lost sometimes. Also, whiskey can be hard to find unless you are willing to risk falling to your death, which can be time-consuming and distracting.

5. Winterlong

I have grown to dislike this map due to it being played one too many times for me. Does that make it a bad map? No, not exactly. It is just a very poor choice for me to play on. Like Robertlee, it has a single point that is contested over by everyone. And like Robertlee, this ends up making the rest of the map feel barren and empty. Also, there are many points on the map, such as the contention zone, the red chest near the Indian, and the large, empty zone that several enemigos like to group in are extremely dangerous for any Zorro, as you will either get swarmed, or the chests in this area will allow players to block entire areas of the map off. For instance, the red chest I previously mentioned has the nasty ability to shield it’s users from any of your attacks, as by the time you reach the red chest and it’s occupants, they have already killed you. It is very frustrating and ruins the map for me.

6. Cripplecreek

Oddly enough, I love this map. You would think that I wouldn’t due to it’s wide-open spaces allowing for sharpshooters to pick players off. However, I find it to be rather fun to play in, as many of these sharpshooters can be spotted and killed quickly, such as the rooftops and other areas. there is also a lot of whiskey aroudn the map, and there are many close-quarters areas that allow you to thrive. Also, since half of the map is on an elevated area, you can gather lots of notoriety by kicking enemigos off of cliffs. This map shares a similar annoyance with Depot where the golden chest is on a train, making it highly unlikely you will be able to get a machete or dynamite belt without dying due to the unstable physics. This is made even worse by the insistance of many players to camp the train and steal it for their team or themselves.

7. RobertLee

The community had known for a while that I HATED this map before. I found it to be a nightmare, filled with shotguns, snipers, and suprise attacks. However, the little boat is starting to warm up with me. It has some good jumps, decent red chest locations, and has enough whiskey for two Zorro’s to be sustained by. However, due to better maps out there, this one is still a little mediocre. While the golden chest is in a secluded location with few interruptions when buying, it is very far away from the contention zone that has made this map infamous. This contention zone, unlike Winterlong’s, is very wide-open, allowing for Smiths and other long-range weapons to pick off players like flies. It doesn’t help that both a blue and red chest are up there as well, encouraging players to stay up there in order go recieve rifles and camp to their heart’s content, making it difficult to kill them due to the difficulties Zorro’s have with range, and even harder to earn a respectable killstreak.

8. Sweetwater

I like the map. It is well-constructed, small enough to run into lots of enemigos, but large enough to feel like you have room to breathe in. There are no contention zones here, with cuatro areas that all have the opprotunity to be part of a larger battle, but are not always clogged with constant fighting. The chests are in decent places, except for the golden chest, which is often a death-trap due to the physics. The underground cave is an easy way to get out of trouble, and a good way to find a fight quickly, or to retreat from one and heal.

9. Impact

Señorita Resi’s latest work has astonished me with how amazing it was once more. This map is heaven for Zorro, as the close-quarters arena allows for killing swiftly and finding more targets to end. However, one problema is the lack of whiskey, leaving me to wander aimlessly at a measly amount of health in order to get back into the fight. However it is a miniscule complaint when the mapping, chest locations and theme are brilliant, and I wish more servers had this map in their rotation.

Code of Honor

These are the rules you MUST follow as Zorro, or else

Zorro has never used firearms (although his descendants did.) Do not use them.

2. Throw weapons off cliffs, or hide them till they despawn
It makes your job easier, and prevents spam

3.Show respect to your allies
They can do a lot of good…

4. Show respect to melee-wielding foes
Those enemigos might have as many brain cells as you

5. Carve the mark of Zorro
When you kill an enemy, carve a Z. (or typing it, as it would be called) many people will ask why you are doing this, so respond in a kind way.

6. Speak in an elegant tone
Not ye olden english, but like how an aristocrat from the 1800’s would speak.

“Such sweaty pursuits are hardly the work of a gentleman”
Zorro’s alter ego, Alejandro Murrieta, joking around about his double life, ‘The Mask of Zorro”.

The Basics

Anyways, time to talk about the basic elements of fighting for justice.

So, always choose either 4 team shootout, or break bad. You know why?


Because you need to go on the ranger team! They look the most like Zorro! See!

Oh, umm, the one on the far right, there, thats good.

Recently, you had the option to play as the Rangers in free-for-all Shootout. However, it can be a tedious process, forcing you to leave the server and rejoining over and over and over until you get the proper model. However, it can be fun to play without using teammates if you are interested.

What do I do next? You might ask. Well, simply press the B key and make your loadout. It will mostly be knives though. Knife and kick enemigos in combos, dodge their bullets as well, and type a Z in the chat for every kill when your safe. Or you can also make a bind for it too, like I have. Just expect to meet many enemigos along the way. They will try to kick you for spam, or pretend to carve Z’s by shooting at people, but most just ignore them. Be one of those players too. If you encounter amigos, who will join your cause, create a Zorro themed steam group to invite them. Also, do not conserve whiskey, unless your wounded teammates are right in front of you. You will get hurt a lot.

“ … It’s not just one man, damn it, it’s ZORRO!”
-Don Rafael, ‘The Mask of Zorro’

How to counter enemy weaponry

Weapons in depth


1. Colt Navy

This is the weakest gun. It takes three hits to kill you. If you dodge four bullets at full health, they cannot kill you unless they hit your head, and you kill them within a few strokes of your sword to their frontal lobe. HOWEVER! Most players who use this weapon are very skilled at the game and know how to aim for the head.

2. SW Schofield

This weapon by itself is quite good, in a bad way. Easily killing swordsman, it’s power is increased once equiped with another gun, causing the wielder to become a hail of bullets… until they run out of said bullets. Show them no quarter after that. Those who use this weapon tend to walk forward and shoot every two seconds or so. Those who fan with this weapon are useless, as it is easy to finish them off as they run away and scramble to reload, unable to instantly fire any bullets they put in the chamber.

3. Volcanic

This gun is annoying. Two of them is terrifying. They never run out of bullets, and are like a machine gun. The few players that use this weapon properly are very fast and tend to use it as a Colt Navy on Speed. Beware a player who jumps around, spraying bullets at you, chipping you away. Most nowadays use the weapon to get the most notoriety due to the recent updates.

4. Colt Peacemaker

A more difficult version of the navy, treat it just like that, but with more caution and agility. One blow to the head and you are El Dead. Working your way down the pistol’s bullets like the Navy will not work either, since it takes 2 shots to the body to kill you.

5. Derringer

These weapons have long-since been nerfed, and are only used alongside other guns as combo weapons. Beware extra bullets. Players either use the Derringer right after firing the first shot of their primary, or after they run out of bullets for said primary. Identify their playstyle, and play accordingly.

6. Colt Walker

Stay away from them. The gun can kill you in one shot, and is often used by players who know how to breathe properly. However they often tend to grow a feeling of invunerability, and are very cocky when using the weapon. Catch them off-guard when reloading, or exploit the less reliable accuracy of the weapon.

7. Remington model 1858

This weapon functions like a sniper rifle in pistol form. However, it has a slow reload, and is innacurate. In close-range, the weapon is terrible against a Zorro, as frantic slow fanning and missed shots everywhere equate to a dead Remington. However they are used by a majority of players now that the Schofield is gone, so entire sections of the map can be shut down by 2 Remingtons.


1. Smith Carbine

One of Zorro’s most despised weapons, they are employed by those who lack in brains, but are lightning quick. Dodging a Smith is the most important part. If you manage to dodge the projectile, the user will either run away, or pull out a melee weapon. If it is the first, kick them into a wall, and finish themoff. If it is the second, treat it as a normal melee encounter. The best way to dodge a Smith is to move from side-to-side while crouching, as it makes the enemigo panic. You will not be seeing a Smith due to it being removed from the loadouts, which makes me sad. I liked fighting them.

2. Yellowboy repeater

This weapon, since it is in the default loadouts, is everywhere, and it is annoying. Since it doesn’t do too much damage, you can just jump and run at them and they can’t do much about it. It is an annoying weapon for spam however, and most deaths are due to multiple Yellowboys constantly hitting me at once.

3. Mare’s Leg

The mares leg is actually a rifle, not a pistol. It is also very painful. If confronting a mares leg face to face, dodge their bullets. They take a while to load a new bullet, time which you can spend getting ready to dodge another one, or attack. Most newer players won’t touch the weapon, and if they do, they will miss often. It is the skilled players with their headshots you must dodge and beware of.

4. Sharps rifle

Most of the time, the enemy will be using this gun at long range, sniping you in one hit. However, if you know where they are, take cover, and try to be sneaky. If you manage to get the jump on a sniper, they almost never defend themselves.

5. Spencer Carbine

It is basically the Smith with more bullets. Be very careful around it.


1. Sawed-off shotgun
Dios mio where do I begin? A common way to avoid dying instantly to this weapon is sidestepping the pellets, and then attacking when the enemigo is reloading. Either that, or position yourself near health and tank their fire.

2. CoachGun

This shotgun may as well be a rifle. It can do heavy damage at long range, making it hard to kill them. The best way to kill one is to dodge their shots, which isn’t easy. Tank the other shot or dodge it, and stab them to death as they reload. Their reload is slow, and they can only fire once the process is complete, making them completely useless when out of shells.

3. Winchester 1893

Just tank it, and do a ton of damage to them. Their shots do less damage than you think. However they can fire quite a lot of shells, meaning you can get overwhelmed quickly.

How to counter enemy weaponry: dos


1. Fists/brass knuckles

The easiest weapons to counter. Often times, they are completely moronic, and will wildly swing at you to no avail. The brass knuckles are used by smarter players, but they can only disarm pistols and not swords. The tactics against them are the same. Do not even attempt to waste effort on normal fist players.

2. Swords
A true gentleman’s weapon. They are indeed tougher than the brutish thugs who wield nothing but their fists. Cowardly men do not know how to use one, and often throw them, missing most of their shots. These throwing daggers can be easily dodged, and their own swordsmanship is mostly just kicking people away while they frantically look for a place to run. True swordsmen use their blades as proper weapons, and can be quite deadly. However, I am a master swordsman, and do not need to worry about being outmatched in battle. Treat a swordsman as you would a hatchet player, only with plenty more honour.

3. The hatchet/machete.

Many melee players are bullied and killed by tryhards, and being forced to fight amongst themselves. But other than me, there is one more melee type that has survived. The hatchet wielders. These fighters show little mercy, and often live in packs. Hatchet players are cunning, but lack depth perception. If you kick a charging hatcheteer, he will be disoriented, and an easy target. Stealth can also startle a hatchet player, as they are usually the hunter. Machetes are even harder to fight, as they do more damage, and are quite smart. However, they share the same problems as a hatchet wielder. If any machete or hatchet player throws his or her weapon and you dodge it, grab it quickly before they can grab their weapon again. Victory is assured.


1. Bow

Many people complain about the bow, and it’s insane accuracy. However, I have dodged arrows like loco, and they take quite a few shots to the body to kill. However, those who are good with the weapon will often aim for the head.

2. Props

Boxes, Barrels, tables, Watermelon, Tumbleweed, and cutouts of American Indians, all of them can make deadly weapons. All who use these in battle are more clever than you would think, so try to steer clear of a man running around with a wooden crate. Especially since they might be using Heavy Loads, so by that point you cannot kill them.

3. Red Dynamite and Black Dynamite

Easy as pie to counter. Just run back, and wait for the bomber to check his surroundings. Then, finish him off as he lights another stick of dynamite. Normal Dynamite takes 6 seconds for the user to light and throw most of the time, meaning you can count in your head when they are going to throw their weapon. Black dynamite lasts longer, up to 8 or so.

4. Gold Dynamite

Much deadlier than normal. They have shorter fuses, so make sure to get close to the enemy as fast as you can. Both this and normal dynamite can knock out guns, but you use a sword. They are very suicidal, and are not afraid to blow themselves up just to kill you.

Overall, learn your place amongst the weapons, use your own talent with a blade, and remember that you have weapons that the enemy cannot possibly counter. Honour, cunning, and long-lasting friendships with those who you have saved from evil. Guns cannot save them from that…


UPDATE: (7/28/2020) Rules CAN be changed, but only by those who are currently El Zorro. Rules cannot be changed by the apprentice of the current Zorro, or his maestro.

There are several rules required to become Zorro. Here are a few:

1. Never, ever use a firearm, other than the Derringer pistol.

2. Be polite, even to those who refuse to be polite back.

3. Never kill those who refuse to fight.

4. Do not swear, curse, or use offensive language. Once you are a Caballero, you are a gentleman (Or a lady)

5. Find the time to watch at least ONE Zorro movie or TV show. (Optional, but it gives you an appreciation of the character.)

6. Help those in need of assistance, even if it means sacrificing something from yourself.

7. Keep in touch with the community as much as possible. Be there for them, even if they are asking for simple help.

8. Find an apprentice to carry out your legacy with as Zorro.

Here is the list of weapons you are allowed to use as Zorro:



Red/Black/Gold dynamite

Fists/Brass knuckles




Whiskey bottle

Gun Throw (si, you can pick up guns and throw them)

Pocket pistol (Only if you use dos shots before reloading like a Derringer)

And if you have no other weapons, use anything picked up from the floor. Si, this includes guns if you must.

Gracias, and follow these rules well.


“It is not as if you were an ordinary thief. I know why you have stolen – to avenge the helpless, to punish cruel politicians, to aid the oppressed. I know that you have given what you have stolen to the poor.”
Lolita Pulido to Zorro, ‘Curse of Capistrano’, 1919


If you do not do these, then Dios have mercy on you…

1. Parkour
Jump around, dodge attacks by jumping. Quite simple, if you ask me.

2. Teamwork
You have Amigos you can use as cover or bait. Or you can be a good hidalgo, and team up. You might make new allies in the fight against injustice.

3. Disposing of weapons
Do you see those powerful weapons lying around? Find the nearest cliff, and dispose of them. This shall make “Zorro’ing” much easier.

4. The better part of valor
When all is lost, RUN!

5. Combos
Do combos of kicks and knife attacks to quickly dispatch foes. i use the Zorro combo, as well ask stab, kick throw, but it can be anything of the sort.

6. Sneaking around
you wear black clothing, sneak around. It helps in dark places, where enemigos might not have their brightness turned up. You can also hide in plain sight away from enemigos, and pounce on them when they are pre-occupied or otherwise oblivious to an incoming swordsman. Surprise is your deadliest weapon, and killing a player who thinks they are safe as they reload in a secluded location is very rewarding.

7. Brass knuckles
If the enemigo refuses to have a shread of honor, knock the gun out of their hands with the brass knuckles. They will have no choice but to duel or flee.

8. Be agile
Nobody can aim for an enemigo that jumps over their head. Or an enemigo who dodges to the side of them. Or one who crouches under their Smith shots. Charging at someone is predictable, as I said in countering the axe, so you must outplay them by tricking them, confusing them and making yourself impossible to hit.

9. Hoard whiskey
it sounds rude, but you will absorb a lot of damage when playing as Zorro, meaning it would be wiser if you took all the health you can get

On a side note, you should have what I call a “whiskey threshold”, which is the amount of health points you have under 100 health before you stop drinking whiskey. My threshold is usually 95. This strategy is useful for making sure all of the whiskey spots are not empty from you taking all of the bottles.

10. Experimenting with weaponry
Most players would believe a Zorro uses only his sword. However, I have a section of this guide showcasing all of the weapons in a whitelist. Feel free to use all of these weapons, as no enemigo will expect Zorro disarming them with a dynamite belt and then shooting him with a Bow.

11. The Tank Doctrine

When using a machete, I have a mindset I like to call “The Tank Doctrine”. It is when I use a machete, the idea is to be able to take as many hits as possible. This means after every engagement, make sure you can find whiskey bottles to heal you as much as you can, all the way up to 100 in order to take every last bullet. Keeping your health topped as much as possible means it will be very difficult for the enemigos chasing you to kill you. When going on the kill, make sure to almost never kick, as being still means death.

12. Always record any hackers you find

No matter what you do, drop the game, press the spectate button, record it on OBS or however you record footage, and then send it to Rebel. The job of Zorro is to fight all toxicity, including hackers.

13. The most important rule
Never, ever, EVER pick a fight you know you cannot win. Always make sure to fight on your own terms, unless forced to otherwise.

Zorro’s game plans:

1. Four-Team Shootout

Firstly, I like to stay close to areas with many allies around, as it makes enemies easier to deal with. Eventually, once the red chests close, I like to go for them and take a machete. Machetes are extremely important for this mode, as you will have to cut your way through many enemies, often times around corners. If I see a group of enemies, I run, reposition, and take them down individually. NEVER stay in one place for longer than you need to, as enemies will often flock to the sounds of gunfire. If you do not have a machete, focus on being more aggressive.

2. Break bad

Start by purchasing your loadout as Zorro, and try to stay hidden and alive until you manage to deliver your first loot drop. Then, go around the map, killing as many enemies as you can until you have enough money to buy several machetes. It is important to have that much money to buy a machete every time you die and lose one. Typically, players here are much dumber and easier to fight, and the tougher weapons like the Winchester 1893 and Colt Walker will not be seen at all unless an enemigo is very good at the game.

3. Zombies (custom gamemode)

As a human, find a hiding place. This is much easier if you know the map beforehand. Try to stay as hidden as possible, as any confrontation even with a machete means death, as the zombies can infect you with their attacks.

As a zombie, try to look in as many hiding places as possible to find humans. Try to damage them and make lots of noise to reveal their position to other zombies. Infecting them is a powerfuly way of dwindling survivor count.

4. Shootout

Most of this mode is 1v1 duels against skilled players, meaning you will need to use any and all methods in fighting them. As players who are in free-for-all servers are much stronger than usual, try to predict jump-kicks, gun throw, and a mind-numbing amount of Volcanic spam.

5. Team Elimination

While it requires a console command to become the Rangers, there are occasional tournaments and scrimmages that you can play in. In these, my general advice is to be very aggressive. Try and pick off survivors and players in general, and leave at least one player alive as a survivor with a bodyguard, while you turn into the protagonist of Behind the Mask of Zorro.

By that… I mean you kill everyone in your path. It is an obscure movie, so I cannot blame you for not getting the joke.

6. Teamplay

As with Team Elimination, the same mindset applies with the Ranger team here.

I do not have a definite strategy to it, as there are different gamemodes to it, but flanking is extremely useful, and teammates are crucial to helping you win the day. Machetes should be purchased when you have enough money, and letting your amigos know you can lead a charge is always important. You will mostly be flanking, killing sharpshooters and turning them into Carne Deshebrada.

7. Gun Game (custom gamemode)

Just punch everyone. Make them wish they never played this mode.

8. Battle Royale/Grand Elimination

Try and find one of the whitelisted weapons while getting rid of whatever blacklisted weapons you may have had. Finding machetes is a godsend, finding Dynamite belts can clear out anyone using chest weapons, and collecting a Derringer or Bow allows you to have a ranged option that most players wouldn’t expect you to use.

When the safe zone appears, don’t be afraid to take your time, as players will be in a hurry, allowing you to kill them with ease.

Lastly, if you really want to win with this gamemode, you should hope you are Russian.

9. Versus

If you do not have knives, I hope you know how to use the other whitelisted weaponry, otherwise you will be having a frustrating session.

Allies and enemies of Zorro


A colorful character who posts comical videos of his adventures in the video section.

Aside from delivering justice alongside Zorro, he is also a DotA 2 player, and one of the oldest of the Bold Caballero’s, alongside Jolke, Idolon, and Dakkar.

Idolon (Spectre)
One of the oldest Bold Caballero’s, he was also one of the most skillful.

Don Duos
Although most people know him be a plethora of names, most of them revolving around Russian political figures, I rather know him as a friend.

Other than Fistful of Frags, Dakkar has also helped me play as Zorro in No More Room in Hell, another classic Zorro game.

Yet another one of the classic founders, he was one of the more jokey ones.

S.A.S Riley
A caballero who happens to live in Spain! Hah! He is friendly and reliable too.

The Implication
Becoming a caballero during my zenith, Implication is quite skilled with a blade as well, often saving my neck in bad situations.

This gentlemen never dissapoints me, and always has my back.

Pirate of Pablo
Unlike most caballero’s, I didn’t have to introduce the long history of Zorro to him, for he was already a fan of Zorro!

Elise Shank
As well as Fistful of Frags, she also taught me how to play No more room in hell efficiently. Gracias Elise!

A very valiant fighter with the bow and a kind gentleman, also more than capable of defeating me in battle. He usually joins the ranger team in 4 team games so look out for him!


Mr. Love to poop, and Lightstriker
The two of these were encountered on July 7th, 2016. After several defeats by my hand, they decided to attack me. Calling me a nerd and… that was the only insult they had. After two games of spewing hate at me, the dynamic duo vanished into the air, never to (hopefully) be seen again.

Mal0 Mod0
This admin of ACG has banned several allies of Zorro, and has disrespected many others, including me. I have co-started a boycott on him and his servers, as well as making a disstrack on him: . The key to defeating this caballero is to simply boycott any server under the name “ACG”. The less players on his servers, the more likely he will lose.

A sad, spiteful creature, he may be skilled at the game, but he has an all-consuming hatred for Zorro. The best way to defeat him is to simply be in the same server as him, and keep playing until he leaves after he says he gets “bored”.

The game’s first troll, not only does he have an ego to rival Nassic’s, but he is also extremely homophobic and thinks that I, among other gay people in the community, are pedophiles. Not only this, but he likes to go out of his way to harass players with his own little band of villains. If you see him on the server list, don’t give him attention, and don’t talk to him no matter what. He feeds off of negative attention like a leech.

UR MOM/Gramps
I don’t even know who he is. He just seems to have a vendetta against me.
EDIT: I recently found out he is a viejo enemigo of mine named Gramps. He is the administrator of GFL, and likes to unleash his rage at me, possibly due to his insecurities. The best way to defeat him is to mock him right back, and laugh at him, as well as showing others how pathetic he is.)

UPDATE: Gramps has been defeated. While he is still an administrator, he is under watch by the server’s staff to make sure he never lifts a finger against the innocent.

“Don Diego is my friend.”
Sergeant Pedro Gonzales on Don Diego, “The Mark of Zorro (1920)’

12/26/17 Addressing a common misconception…

Many players admire the skill that I (supposedly) have. While that is fine, many of the players who want to be trained in my ways make one very fatal mistake:

They assume being Zorro is just about swordfighting.

While si, there is plenty of swordplay and stabbing involved, there is something MUCH more important about being Zorro. When you wear the mask of Zorro, you are not just a goofy counter-troll that stabs people and spams Z’s. As the fictional Zorro put it best:

“Do you think stealing horses and carving Z’s into walls makes you worthy enough to wear that mask? Zorro was a friend of the people, not a seeker of fame, a pitiful clown.”

-Diego De La Vega, Mask of Zorro (1998)

Fighting is only half the battle as El Zorro. The other half is being a hero. As Zorro, you are expected to stand up against trolls and bullies in the best ways you know how (including humor, counter-trolling, kicking, instructing players to mass-mute him, or getting the attention of an admin.)

As well as this, be friendly to other players, regardless of how mean they are to you. Si, I know it is hard, and even I have struggled with this from time-to-time, but showing resolve to your enemies and proving that you are stronger than them and have more willpower than them will break their resolve, leaving them to slither away in silence. I have seen this many times in the years I have been Zorro, where those who turn their bullying to me often get frustrated when their attempts to make me angry or upset fail. A tactic I like is to stay on a server with a troll or multiple trolls, and continuously kill them over and over until they leave.

Another important thing is to keep in touch with the community. This means Steam forums/community, Discord pages, and tournaments if possible. It will help spread the legend of Zorro to other players, inspiring them. It’s better than being another nameless player in this game.

Also, speak out against the trolls and bullies in the community like I do. While you do not have to EXACTLY do what I do, you should make an effort to help this community become a better place.

And finally, when you feel like you can learn no more and do no more for this community, pass on what you have learned to an apprentice, so they too can take up the mantle of



Recently, it has been harder and harder to play as Zorro. everyone runs around, shooting each other from corners, sniping people with the smith, and generally being not fun. So i decided to go on a breakbad server.

What greeted my eyes was beautiful…

There were tons of people with brass knuckles, knives, axes, machetes, you name it, they had honor, and it was beautiful. I had so much fun dueling them, and giving players free swords. (Most of them just attack me though) and so far, there has been no robertlee. If you like playing as, fighting, making fun of, or watching movies and TV shows about Zorro, i reccomend you check out breakbad.

You have done it… you maniacs did it… AGAIN!

There are now 1000 people who have seen this guide. How is gun-ridden wasteland knownen possible that i have gone this far? i Guess that I was wrong. I had always assumed that nobody cared about Zorro at all. That he was just a thing of the past. You have all proved me wrong. Thank you all.


Anyways, it does not matter, thank you all…

On March 21st, 2016, it happened once more…

I am astonished how much this guide has grown over this year and so. Thank you all, and continue the fight for justice in this dishonorable, gun-ridden wasteland known as Fistful of Frags.


On August 12th, 2016, I had been nearing 1400 viewers. I just want to say how thankful I am for bringing the classic Zorro legend new life. It means a lot to me.

Zorro-themed mods

1. Masked Ranger

A Zorro mask for the Ranger, to give off that Zorro vibe.


2. WANTED: Zorro

Replaces the wanted posters with the one I created long ago.


3. Zorro’s mark

Have you ever wanted to carve the mark of Zorro? After playing a game with him, you would rather not.


4. Zorro Machete

What good is Zorro without his sword? Other than using a Derringer. And bombs. And a Bow… BUT MY POINT IS, is that Zorro’s sword is an integral part of his arsenal, and what better way to celebrate that than this mod.


5. Zorro the Gay Blade voicemod

Zorro the Gay Blade is my personal favorite Zorro movie, so why not celebrate that movie by having the Rangers speak Zorro’s voicelines from that movie?


6. Mark of Zorro menu theme mod

A classic theme song a from a classic Zorro movie. too mal nobody has ever seen it before…


7. The Killstreak of Zorro

My ego is so inflated that I must scream “Zorro!” with every Z I carve (I don’t actually do this thankfully), but with this mod, the game screams it for me. Every kill you get in your streak, Alejandro Murrieta shouts his catchphrase into your ears.


8. The Round Ending Theme of Zorro

Whenever a round ends, Zorro will scream hiss name into your ears to remind you of who is the most annoying player in all of Fistful of Frags. It’s Mal0 Mod0.


9. Zorro skin

Based off of the legendary costume of Duncan Reghier’s Zorro in the 1990 television show, this costume is sure to strike fear into the hearts of all who fear Zorro.

Also it comes with a UI change so have fun with that too.

[link] [link]

Zorro’s lineage

El Zorro I: Creator of the Zorro lineage, The Hate of Zorro, and How to be ZORRO!

Date as Zorro: October 2014-November 10th, 2019 9:20 PM PST


El Zorro II: Second Zorro in lineage. First apprentice.

Date as Zorro: May 26 2017-June 2017

(No image)


El Zorro III: Third Zorro in lineage.

Date as Zorro: June 7 2017-August 2017


El Zorro IV: Fourth Zorro. First female Zorro.

Date as Zorro: September 25th 2017- November 2 2017


El Zorro V: Fifth Zorro in lineage.

Date as Zorro: December 28th 2017- March 30th 2018

(No image)


El Zorro VI: Sixth Zorro in lineage. Current Zorro. Served as appentice the longest.

Date as Zorro: May 8th 2018- November 10th, 2019


El Zorro VII: Seventh Zorro in lineage. First Zorro trained by one other than El Zorro I.

Date as Zorro: September 23rd 2018- September 25th 2018


El Zorro VIII: Eighth Zorro in lineage.

Date as Zorro: November 26th 2018-April 30th 2019

El Zorro IX: Ninth Zorro in lineage.

Date as Zorro: March 10th, 2019-June 5th, 2020


3000 views and counting…

I cannot thank all of you enough. The fact that so many people in this game are on my side is inspiring to me. I hope we can all change this game for the better in the future, and I love you all.


Alright, time to explain all of this…

So… after spending three years fighting tryhards, troll, shotgunners, angry noobs, and more, I have something to give to everyone that I have promised to give…

I am going to give you the story of how this all happened.

Not the origin of the Zorro character. The origin of me.

You see, I have kept this story a secret, as I feel like it would make my endevors more mysterious, but I think I would be better off umasking myself in front of my friends and admirers.

So, here I go:

A long time ago, in 2011, my mother had learned that there was a play about the old folk-hero known as Zorro that was being played in California. I was initially uninterested, but my mother decided to help me understand the character better by watching the classic film “The Mask of Zorro”, starring Antonio Banderes. I had absolutely loved the film from the very first scene, and although we missed the play itself, the character of Zorro struck a chord with me that I could not describe…

In December of 2013, I had gotten Steam, the cool, free, game/internet/neo-nazi convention that had all these awesome new games, and fun old classics. The first game I had ever gotten was TF2, which I already cover in another Zorro guide. The third however, was Fistful of Frags. Unlike most people, I had found the game through a video made by the Youtube personality Jerma, who had made two videos talking about how amazing the game was, as well as it’s (lack of) price. I had quickly downloaded the game and played. Now, I was not the Zorro/Jack Clock you know me as today. I was known by my Gmail as GTUVG4, and had stayed that way for quite some time. Playing the game was fun and all, but I decided to do something in early 2014, in a day lost in time, that would change me, and hopefully this community, forever. I decided to become Zorro.

Now, not the way you envisioned me today, with all of the vigilante justice against angry tryhards and racists. I started out just doing it for fun, playing as the Ranger team with a knife, running around and stabbing people in four-team shootout (long before Break Bad was ever a thing). After quite a few months of being the fun swasbuckler who jokingly played the game as if it were a melee-oriented game, I had realized something. There were incredible amounts of angry, toxic players, as well as quite a few overpowered weapons, like (at the time), the Smith Carbine and Mare’s Leg. I had decided to become an in-game vigilante, making tryhards ragequit from servers, while protesting against overpowered weapons, ordering them to be nerfed alongside many others. While I do not feel like I was directly responsible for the nerfing of the Smith, Mare’s Leg, and other overpowered weapons, I do feel like I was somewhat of a symbol for players who did not have someone to look up to. I went from being despised and not recognized, to beloved by the small communities who know me. It felt good to be someone’s hero.

And that’s when it hit me.

While I did know that Zorro was my favorite superhero for a long time, I did not know why. I always assumed that it was just cool because he was nice, and was good with a sword. however, after being in Zorro’s shoes in a rather strange way, I realized something.

Zorro could be ANYONE!

I am Zorro, you could be Zorro, anyone could be Zorro, as long as they believe to fight against those who wish to harm others. To help those who feel like they have nobody else helping them, and to just be a decent human being. From making a video game a better place for players, to helping someone cope through attempting suicide (a more personal matter I will not talk about), I had, in a sense, become Zorro. And knowing that there are some great people in this community, you can be Zorro too.

Thank you for your time.

Jack Clock, the FoF Zorro


Adios amigos…

This brings heavy heart to me, but I must leave Fistful of Frags. I will post a video on here explaining why, but I want to let all of you in the future know that El Zorro X has now been inducted, meaning that the legacy of Zorro will remain after I am long gone.

I love you all.

-Z, I


Here is the map:

My Youtube Channel:

EDIT: i make Zorro-themed guides for other games, have fun:
PAYDAY 2: [link]
Team Fortress 2: [link]
PAYDAY 2 skills: [link]
Killing Floor 2: ITS OUT! [link]
EDIT: 1/31/16 wow. just wow. we are almost at 1000 views. i never knew people would care this much about some dude with a knife, whom he thinks is a sword. thank you for proving me wrong!
credit to:
Leopard, Ziginox, Jolke, Hatty, Implication, Don Deus, and Spectre for being awesome friends
Johnston Mculley, for causing all of this to happen
Proffessional FoF player [S.S] Erwin Rommel for being able to work alongside me and my crazy antics as Zorro
R_Yell, for creating Fistful of Frags
You, because you took time out of your day to read this. I cannot thank you enough.

Justice for all!
