Star Wars: Battlefront 2 (Classic, 2005) Guide

How to Beat Operation: Knightfall for Star Wars: Battlefront 2 (Classic, 2005)

How to Beat Operation: Knightfall


As a player of Battlefront 2 on the PC and a former player of it on consoles, I have experience with the game. Enough experience to know that I HATE OPERATION KNIGHTFALL. In this mission, you are tasked with eliminating the Jedi order in their home, the Jedi Temple. For a long time, this mission gave me major problems. I know several people new to the game that have much trouble with this level. This guide shall be a path to beating this mission.

Things to Remember

In this mission, there are 3 types of enemies that you will face. The first of these is the regular Temple Security soldier. These enemies carry a blaster pistol and grenades, and they can also mount turrets. They are not very dangerous alone, but in groups they can be harmful. Just dispatch of them with your blaster weapon(s). [ Note: some of these soldiers carry Rocket Launchers, but I’m not sure whether they can be considered a different enemy type.]

The next type of enemy is the Jedi. These characters, (as to be expected) carry lightsaber weapons, which can come in one of two varieties: single-bladed or double-bladed. They are far more dangerous than the TS soldiers, even more so as they can block incoming blaster fire. If they are approaching you in a group, well, you’re in trouble unless your a Heavy Weapons or Clone Commander. Alone, they are easy to dispatch. Simply wait until they lower their lightsabers when they are ready to attack, or when they are running or jumping at you. They are vulnerable during this time, and you can take them out.

The final type of enemy you will encounter is the Jedi Master, (which to some degree is really a subclass of the Jedi.) They will look like other Jedi, but they will carry 2 lightsabers instead of one. They can also throw lightsabers at you and your fellow troopers with devastating effects. They are hands-down the most dangerous enemy you will face in Operation: Knightfall. If they get close to you, you’re dead, unless they have very low health. They have the same weakness as normal Jedi, though: they are vulnerable while running without blocking and/or attacking. If you shoot them enough times, they’ll die. [Note: Jedi Masters MAY carry double bladed lightsabers, and regular Jedi can carry 2. I was unaware of this when I made the last 2 sections of this.]

In addition to all these enemies, there are also turrets that appear in the main area of the map. These can be manned only by TS soldiers and Clones.

First Objective

Like most Battlefront 2 maps, the first objective in Operation: Knightfall is the easiest: Make your way to the High Council Chamber and take the CP there. You start a while away from the objective, but it is easy to get to. The best class for this objective is usually the typical Clone Trooper.

When you get to the stairs in front of the High Council Chambers, you will begin to take heavy fire from the TS soldiers, who man turrets as well as their guns. In addition, lots of Jedi will spawn on the stairs and will run down at you. The easiest way to take care of them is to run backwards and shoot at them. The TS soldiers… well, you know what to do.

Upon reaching the High Council Chambers, I recommend walking inside then throwing a grenade against the portion of the room furthest from you and running back out. This is because a number of Jedi and TS soldiers will spawn in that room. Kill the remaining enemies in that room and then capture the point. When this is completed, quickly change to the Engineer class to get ready for the next objective.

Second Objective

The second objective is one of the more difficult in the mission, but this is solved easily if you know how to do it. Your objective is this: the Jedi are attempting to destroy the Temple Holo-Books. Protect at least one of the bookshelves for 2 minutes. (As I mentioned in the previous section, I recommend you go Engineer for this objective.)

This sounds quite easy, but this is NOT true if you do not know how to do it. I recommend finding a bookshelf on the lower floor for I’m not sure if there are even any intact ones on the upper level. Once you get ot that point, the Jedi will destroy all the other bookshelves in the room. The Jedi/TS soldiers then can do 2 things. One, they will run off to do battle with the other clone troopers and leave you alone, or two: they will proceed to attack viciously slash the bookshelves or shoot…and slash…you. This part can be VERY troublesome to deal with.

My strategy to beat this is to repair the bookshelves with your Fusion Cutter whenever it takes damage, but otherwise have the Shotgun out. That way, you can kill any Jedi who come to destroy the bookshelves. You can also place Detpacks in front of the bookshelves to blow up the Jedi standing there.

Otherwise, you could go as a Clone Commander and camp a bookshelf, but then you have no way to repair it when the Jedi attack.

[ Note: You could try to protect 2 bookshelves so that if one fell, you could still protect the other. While this could work, it’s likely that you aren’t going to be efficiently able to protect both. ]

3rd Objective

The 3rd Objective is a bit of a reprieve from protecting the bookshelves. In this objective, you must take an important holocron from a room near the High Council Chambers and take it back to your starting CP. The regular clone trooper is fine for this, but if you want to play as a class with more damaging weaopons, that’s fine.

You have two options on how to get to the room with the Holocron: First, climb the stairs from the bookshelf room, go through the “green room” (you’ll know it when you see it) and reach the room where the holocron is; there will be a number of troopers already there. In this method, you will run into a TON of Jedi, and in tight spaces too. Alternatively, you can respawn at the High Council Chamber’s CP and then make your way up the stairs to the right of you. You will run into some TS soldiers, but otherwise the route will be clear.

When you pick up the holocron and run down the stairs, some Jedi and MORE TS soldiers will spawn and try to kill you. Kill as many as you need to clear your path, and then just RUN. More Jedi will spawn in front of you, so it may be wise to kill them before continuing.

Once you get within vicinity of your starting CP, do whatever you can to make it there as fast as possible. Once you are there, you have completed the objective.

[ Note: due to the large number of Jedi that spawn while running the holocron back, it may be wise to choose the Jet Trooper for this mission, and fly over them. ]

4th Section

The 4th Objective is quite easy. You are to kill a Jedi carrying a holocron rumored to contain the sum of Jedi and Sith knowledge, and bring it back to the starting CP. You can play as Darth Vader for this objective. Otherwise, the regular Clone Trooper is good. Also, I should make this point before I go any further: I recommend keeping Vader alive. Otherwise, your next and final objective will be much more difficult.

Run to the room in which the Jedi is in. Once you get there, just slash and Saber-throw. When you kill the holocron-carrying Jedi, kill any others and run the holocron back to the ship. Really, it’s pretty simple. If you aren’t Vader, the same ideas apply.

Final Objective

(Sorry for the terrible quality image.)

The final objective is easily the hardest. In it, you must eliminate 3 Jedi Masters. Like I mentioned in the first section, the Jedi Masters are the hardest enemies to beat. Along with them, there are a LOT of Jedi. As I mentioned in the previous section, I recommend keeping Darth Vader alive for this section. [ Note: pay attention to the reinforcement count at the top of the screen. I started this objective one with 61 men, and I still lost!]

The strategy is pretty simple: just attack the Masters. This is harder than one might expect, though, because around the masters spawn a large collection of Jedi. As Vader, simply slash at them or use Saber-throw or Force Choke, (though the latter make you slightly more vulnerable). If you manage to take out 2 before dying, you’re doing great. Any more, you’ve won the mission. Any less… you’re slightly less lucky.

If you have to take out some as a Clone, I recommend playing as either the Sharpshooter or the Commander. For the Sharpshooter, the task is simple: headshot the Masters. For the Commander, it is equally easy: just get them to charge at you and destroy them with the Chaingun. Don’t worry about preserving troops for the next task, for, (obviously) this is the last objective in the mission.


I hope this guide helped new players to beat this level, and maybe helped some old ones to beat it more easily. After this mission, you get into the Empire campaign, which gets progessively harder. If you can beat thtis mission easily, you should be on the right track!

This was my first guide on the workshop, so please leave some constructive criticism.
Images courtesy of Google Images contributors (their names I obviously do not know) the Star Wars Battlefront wikia for the picture of the Jedi Master, and the Star Wars wiki for the picture in the first section and this one. Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoyed!