A simple trick to achieve the visual effect of controlling a human (actually just remove the model of the flamingo).
step 1
Switch to the flamingo (forgot name).
step 2
Mind control a random human.
step 3
Fly towards the area above the lake, behind the zoo. Switch to any other goat before reaching the above of the lake. From the second pic you can see the flamingo model being stuck in the air while the human body go through.
Switch back to flamingo to find out you now are a human. You are now free to mind control any human without the flamingo head. Now one thing to remember is that you don’t fly through that area or the flamingo will stick back to your head.
Some interesting results you can get. Notice that when controling any model from the original goat sim you cannot hit people.
I discovered this trick soon after this dlc came out… However I the idea of making a guide of it didn’t come to my mind until now. Since it’s kind of old, somebody may have posted about this already, just that I did not see it. If that is the case, just contact me and I will delete this. Thanks and enjoy.