this guide will teach users how to build and use my personal long range teir 2 sateliteit is not initally easy to use but with practice can easily dominate the playing field
step 1
create a platform with a chair on it high in the air as shown
step 2
step 3
you will need 11 blocks of helium, stack them as shown
step 4
add two solid blocks on the middle sectioin on top of the helium
step 5
add a level 2 thruster on the lower of the two solid blocks to help lift you upwards
step 6
in the back, add 2 level 1 thrusters to push you down as shown
step 7
in the front add two thrusters, 1 to push you left and one to push you right
step 8
on the sides, put two thrusters to push you forwards as shown
step 9
add 4 level 2 or 1 hoverblades to stabalize the craft as shown
step 9.5
optional but helpful, add a radar jammer on the very top as shown
step 10
now for the rail guns. add 1 on the bottom and two on the sides as shown (warning, in battle the extreme knockback of these will make you have to re-allign you craft after each shot)
optional extra step
add two r sheilds to the back as shown
in the begining of a battle you will want to go up high and snipe. beware that they will see you if you are aiming at them so choose your targets wisley. this is a very challenging craft to use and will take a lot of practice to get used to. don’t be afraid t ocustomise it and make it your own. i hope you enjoy it as much as i do.
yes you can go forward and adject easily. pres space to go up, shift to go down, everything else works normally. avoid close encounters with other aircraft, try and shoot their wings down for maximum survival time
oh and here is a recent battle result with this craft
the new update
there have been reports that this doesn’t work with the new update. wheat you will want to do is customise it a but, try and balence it out. it won’t be perfect and may not work but try anyway