In this guide, I will tell you how to build a portal and tell you about the features of this building.
This portal can be assembled from this video , but I must also tell you about the features of this build
I will leave a link to this YouTube video, by which you can actually assemble the portal
Link to video –
Portal creation
We will need:
1) large beam
2) small beams
2) generators
4) creators of the containment field
5) tesla coils
We collect the following construction:
There should be about 3 meters between ters between the tesla coils
As you can see, all parts are connected with fragile iron cables. This is because her
Do not freeze (freeze)!
All items should be located only in this way.
You need to connect objects with wires and program wires only as on
During assembly, it is best not to copy / save elements or a structure as a whole.
If you save and deliver the design, it won’t work.
Portal launch
If everything is assembled correctly, then this will appear almost immediately:
If this does not appear, check if you have connected everything or just rebuild the structure.
If everything is correct, we will get a portal!
Then bring the camera to the center of the portal and you will enter it.
When you enter the portal, after a while you will receive this achievement:
I hope I was able to help you with my guidance!