Reassembly Guide

How To Build OP Ships for Reassembly

How To Build OP Ships


In this guide i show you how to build over-powered ships and how to (in a large amout of way) make your capital ship, this guide will teach you the ‘Good and the bad” of the types of capital ships out there.


this guide is old, and was written by an absolute w*nker (younger me) so you probably should take this guide with salt as i was very, very smol brain.

this guide, due to its age, may also be completely wrong (idk i throw up anytime i read my older writing so i havent gone through the effort yet) so to save you some time:

TL;DR get mods, build big sh*t. easy enough, right?

Terran Capitals.

The Terran are the starter faction and you will allways start with this faction no matter what, meaning that this faction is one of the most important factions to cover.

You want to use a VERY large amout of weapons and a medium amout of armor for the Terrans, as if you just wer to have a small amout of weapons and a HUGE amout of armor….Your just gonna be sitting at your chair, to lazy to go get popcorn, haveing to much hope in the fact that your ship might win to leave… and then you get nuked…… Its not a fun way to play, thats why i use ships that are in the style of ‘Go to target, shoot target, target is dead before it can retaliate’ not ‘go to target, wait 1 minute, then leave at 1MPH’ Which is why i used this…
(Note: This is ONLY working because i have a Max-P Remover mod)
It had alot of armor but focused on weapons, hence, the nukes….
‘But thats not a Terran capital!’ You may be asking, well, thats because the Terrans arnt that great for capitals or flagships (Even worse if you dont have any mods!) Explaining why i have no screenshots of Terran ships…

Farmer Capitals

The Farmer faction isnt that good either, but if you REALLY want to make a capital ship with the Farmers, use high-medium armor, with medium weapons, and factorys, because small fighters in swarms can REALLY messup the Reds and Crystaline…..and Terrans, but mostly the Sentinals since there fighters only shoot one way, with a swarm around them, they have no chance…
This is also why its good to have a ship you can spawn that is just covered in Solar-Panels, so it just creats R for your swarm and then you go into battle and ”rek” EVERYTHING!….

But ships with a huge amout of point defence with long range can ”rek” your swarm, which is VERY bad since 1:Your swarm of distractions is gone, and 2:You dont have as much firepower…

Thats why you should use missiles, as they cause distractions for the distractions so your main swarm lasts longer, also putting missiles on the swarm can help, since they can turn better and can lanch the missiles at the enemy not just hope they hit a vital part by just letting the missiles turn.

Sentinal Capitals

Ah, HERE We go, *Clears throat* The Sentinals have a VERY large amout of firepower and work great with a factory, useing mods you can make ships with 10s of 100s of Nukes straped onto 1 ship…. Causeing a meltdown in the mind of the AI confuseing them on what to do about your masterpiece, giveing you the chance to run around the galaxy with ease, unlocking ALL the Stations and unlocking EVERY SINGLE ACHIVMENT IN THE GAME!… Becomeing mad with power you would go into a wormhole only to unleash hell on the Farmers and other random stuff you come across.

Anyway, use about 1 Nuke, A ton of Plasma Bolts, And about a dosen of Fighters just to serve you so you can enjoy your time in that galaxy insted of being filled with rockets and being broken into 2 by a spinner.

If you have the No Max-P mod then do this….
4 NUKES!!!

Put a cherry on top and turn it into the most explosive cake ever!

Crystaline Capitals

This faction works better when you have about 10 flagships and your a slightly bigger and more armored flagship (And slower so you dont lose your fleet).

With about VERY high armor and medium weaponry on yourself and high-medium armor and high weaponry on the fleet ships, with about 10 swarm ships and 2 Station ships with you (Swarm ships have missiles, station ship is like you but slightly faster and slightly less armored)

You want most weaponry on point defence and about 1/4 of your weapons should be your main weapons (Fired by you)

Red Capitals

Start out with a ‘Kill bad guy before he even starts attacking you’ stratagy as the Red ships cant take much damage, so dont try and armor them so they can, you will waste to much P on thrusters, and then you wont be able to get a large amout of weapons, which is what you want.

What to do on your ship? set the hard-hitting guns to ripple fire and put them all around your ship, since you come across more moveing things than stuff that is just a sitting duck (Rapid-Fire weapons are better at fast-moveing targets because if you miss it dosent matter that much, since there isnt such a long reload time), plus, most of the stuff that is just a duck in space is so weak anyway it dosent matter wether your better at dealing with fast and mobile ships you still destroy them in seconds.


Thankyou for reading this guide, Its my first guide and i wanted to be a part of the commuinity even more, so if you liked the guide give it a like and comment about what you like/want to correct me on and i can fix it.

Also, the reson why theres not all the factions there is because the other factions arnt that good for flagships and capital ships, so i dicided i wouldnt include them, since there isnt much you can do to make them OP…

Anyway, thanks for reading and if really liked it maby even comment on my profile! It would be great to see what people think (Im ok with bad comments but dont go to far, ok) if you think this guide was then i have done my job.