DC Universe™ Online Guide

How to buy DLCs/Episodes through Steam with PaySafeCard if you are region locked! for DC Universe Online

How to buy DLCs/Episodes through Steam with PaySafeCard if you are region locked!


EN:A guide on how to buy DLCs/Episodes if you are region lockted from DCUO on Steam by using PaySafeCard or any paymenth method supported by Steam!This guide is both in Romanian and English!RO:Un ghid despre ♥♥♥ sa cumperi DLC-uri/Episodeade daca esti restrictionat de Steam de la DCUO, folosind PaySafeCard sau oricare metoda de plata acceptata de Steam.Acest ghid este in Romana si Engleza.


What you need to have:
1. Chrome or Firefox installed.
2. Anonymox extension installed on one of them (or both if you like)
For Chrome: [link]
For Firefox:
3. A payment method (PaySafeCard or any).

What you need to do:
1. Activate the Anonymox extension from Chrome or Firefox.
2. Go to [link] search for “DC Universe Online” and click on it.
3. You can dezactivate the Anonymox extension.
4. On the DC Universe Online page, go to “Additional Content” and click on “Show More”.
5. Click on the Bundle or DLC/Episode you want to buy.
6. Click on “Add to Basket”.
7. Log on and follow the instructions on screen for buying it just like any other Steam game or DLC.
8. On your Library Steam page, go to DC Universe Online and then click on “CD Key”. There you will have a key for your purchased DLC.
9. To redeem it, go inside game Marketplace and click on “Redeem/Claim” and at the left part of the Marketplace page write the key code without spaces and then click on “Redeem”.
Or you can go to [link] and on the right part of the website, just under the Servers, it is a box called “Redeem your code”, write there your code and redeem it!
10. Enjoy your DLC/Episode purchased with your PaySafeCard!


Ce trebuie sa ai:
1. Chrome sau Firefox instalat.
2. Extensia Anonymox instalata pe una din ele sau pe amandoua.
Pentru Chrome:
Pentru Firefox:
3. O metoda de plata (PaySafeCard sau oricare).

Ce trebuie sa faci:
1. Activeaza extensia Anonymox din Chrome sau Firefox.
2. Du-te la adresa [link] cauta pentru “DC Universe Online” si da click pe el.
3. Dezactiveaza extensia Anonymox.
4. Pe pagina de Steam a DC Universe Online, du-te pe “Content Additional” si da click pe “Arata mai multe”.
5. Da click pe Pachetul sau DLC-ul/Episodul pe care vrei sa-l cumperi.
6. Da click pe “Adauga in cos”.
7. Logheaza-te si urmeaza instructiunile pe ecran pentru a il cumpara, la fel ca oricare DLC sau joc de pe Steam.
8. Selecteaza Libraria Steam, du-te la DC Universe Online si da click pe “CD Key”. Acolo ai cheia pentru DLC-ul sau Episodul tau cumparat.
9. Ca sa obtii Episodul, du-te in Marketplace-ul din joc si da click pe “Redeem/Claim” si in partea stanga a paginii de Marketplace, scrie cheia DLC-ului sau Episodului, fara spatii si apoi da click pe “Redeem”.
Sau poti sa te duci pe [link] si in partea dreapta a website-ului, chiar sub “Servers”, ai cutia intitulata “Redeem your code”, scrie acolo cheia DLC-ului/Episodului si obtine-l!
10. Bucura-te de DLC-ul/Episodul tau, cumparat cu propriul tau PaySafeCard!
