Drug Dealer Simulator Guide

How to Carry 700G in DuffleBag (outdated) for Drug Dealer Simulator

How to Carry 700G in DuffleBag (outdated)


Here i show you how to carry 700g in duffle bag

Collecting And packing in 4 steps

First: you need to bring the 100g bricks to one hideout .. you can only cary 3 at once
Second: you need a crafting table and 1 40g jar.
now you need the dufflebag and it should look like this

Third: drag one 100g pack over the jar and fill it with 40g now you have a 60g bag on the table go to the jar and grab the 40g in 2x 20 stacks out if you done it should look like this

Fourth: put everything into the dufflebag

