Portal 2 Guide

How to Cheat in Portal 1 & 2, With Achievements! for Portal 2

How to Cheat in Portal 1 & 2, With Achievements!


A step by step guide on how to cheat in the Portal games while still gaining achievements. The end also includes a short explanation of why it works and a photo of a pug.

First & Foremost.

This guide will show you how to cheat in both Portal games, while keeping all achievements. It goes without saying that you need the Steam copy. This is only for PC.

1. – Enable the Console!

First step – enable the dev console. This is your one way ticket to cheats – the commands I’ll demonstrate are god, noclip and notarget, however this method will work with whatever commands you want to use in the console. Make sure not to heck around in the console if you don’t know what you’re doing, it may damage your save or your game itself. If unsure, stick to those three commands or do some research online about what is safe to use and make sure you understand it before doing it.

Open the game, and press the ` key – under the esc key and above the tab key on most keyboards. This should open the console. You can do it on the main menu or on the pause screen of the game, however it’s worth doing it on the menu to test the console is enabled. If it isn’t, read on.

If nothing happens, close the game fully and go to the game’s launch options. Type ‘-console’. This should enable it.
(Launch options – Library / Portal 1 or 2 / Properties / Set launch options.)

Now re-enter the game and press the ` key. A console should appear.

2. – Go to where you want to cheat.

Now that the console is enabled, you need to figure out what you would like to do. This requires a basic knowledge of the commands’ function. If you’re, for example, stuck on a puzzle, you can use the “noclip” command to fly through the door and move on to the next area. If you’re stuck because of turrets, you can use “notarget” or “god”, which will make you invisible or invincible respectively. Basically, just figure out what you want to do, load up your save and figure out what you want to do.

For the sake of the walkthrough, let’s say I want to get to the red circle on top of these vents.

3. – Enable your command.

Now, we need to actually use the console. Pause the game where you are. If the console is not up, just press the ` key again and it will open. Now choose what command you’d like to use. Once again, the most relevant commands are below.

god – Makes you invincible to damage. Turrets won’t kill you. Be careful of falling off of ledges, however, as you won’t die and will essentially just fall forever, requiring you to restart.

noclip – Removes all collision with walls and floors – you’re essentially a ghost. Fly through walls, floors and ceilings, but don’t go too far. You can easily break the game and need to reload by going somewhere that hasn’t loaded properly yet.

notarget – Makes you invisible – turrets will not target you, making turret chambers easy.

Now you’ve decided, go to the console and type in the command “sv_cheats 1”. This will enable server cheats, which means that commands that allow you to cheat such as god or noclip will be enabled. Keep in mind that using this command disables achievements from its activation, until you complete the next steps – don’t do anything that would get you an achievement before continuing, as you will not get it. Now type in whatever command you wish to use.

I wanted to get up to the vents, so I’ve turned on noclip.

These next couple steps are the parts that turn back on achievements, so be sure to read these carefully.

4. – Reload and Reap the Rewards!

Now your cheat is enabled, save the game and reload. Close the game entirely, do not just exit to the main menu and reopen your save, as this won’t work.

Once the game is re-opened, reload your save.

Now I’m free to move around with noclip while still gaining achievements! If you get tired of using your command, simply turn back on sv_cheats and repeat your command, which will turn it off. Then reload the game again and you’ll be a-okay!

How It Works / Thanks!

The command “sv_cheats” enables cheats for that specific server, only until the command is turned off (“sv_cheats 0”) or the game is restarted. When sv_cheats is enabled, the game denies access to all achievements, as a way of stopping cheaters. This is the case even if you turn off your cheats and turn back off sv_cheats, until the game is restarted all cheats are disabled. However, upon restarting the game, specific commands like god and noclip do not turn off. This means that you can continue to use them while sv_cheats is off, continuing your use of cheating commands. This makes you free to cheat your way to any achievements you like – you shouldn’t, necessarily, as it defeats the actual spirit of gaining an achievement, however this guide is here for those who would like to know, for one reason or another.

Thanks for reading! If it was informative, please share with friends or others who play Portal. If you need extra help, comment and I’ll do my best to help you out.

Enjoy this pug, and your cheats, filthy cheater! 🙂
