A easy foolproof 100% complete guide on how to kill Olmec using shortcuts
How to get Ankh (the cheese way) + (introduction)
u no good at olmec? well then read guide.
Someone on the internet found this strategy, It uses 4 bombs and you have to be fast. Also this is meant for the player to go to Tidepool,(bcuz temple is lame anyways) But if the player wants to risk it and go down to temple you sure can
So what you need to do is run all the way to the right when you reach Olmec’s lair. You can just run in 1 straight line without stopping and Olmec will hop over you, crush down, and you’ll run past him. Now you should be at the right part of the lair, theres this ladder leading up, Climb this ladder and stand on the ascended platform to your right.
Now here you’re gounna need some good bombing placements. (I would recommend watching the “Easy Olmec Ankh” video)
SO here this is where the 4 bombs come in (this is way better then risking your life with Olmec crushing down the normal way.)
So what you need to do is place your character right on the edge of the left part of the platform. Crouch down and kind of position your feet to be on the ledge while you’re facing right. This is where you place the first bomb. So place that and go hug the wall to your right to be safe from the explosion, or climb down the ladder a bit.
Now you go back up, and position your feet with the edge of the block again but now from the exploded area, place a bomb, hug the wall or climb down ladder.
now 2 are exploded, do the same thing for the 3rd one.
Now for the 4th one you either need Jetpack or springboots or climbing cloves or vlads cape. Or just a rope. After the 3rd one has exploded use your rope or other items to get on top of the ascended platform above you. Now you do the same thing, If you place the bomb with your feet touching the edge of the block it will leave 3 blocks to your right that olmec cannot climb up on. (in the video I did this slightly off. It is easier to get in the hole if you do it just a little bit off.) Now we are done with the bomb parts.
Now you hop off the platform, and climb the ladder down and walk twords olmec so he will start to chase you. Bring him over to the platform, climb up it and lure him until he is stuck against the right wall. Now olmec will start jumping up and down trying to reach you. (too bad he doesnt have arms)
Now this will require some good timing. You need to run past olmec over the top of his head (using jetpack, Rope, etc.) and run underneath the block that the last part of him is on and hug that wall.
Now let olmec Fall 4 times so he is equal level to the platform that you are on. Now using your (Jetpack, Rope, etc.) You get on top of his head and start balancing on the most right part of his head where you wont get squished. Now line yourself up with the hole in the wall and spam the button to enter the wall. Enter it and ez ankh.
How to drop Olmec down and enter Tidepool (or temple)
Now that the hard part is done. Exit the hole from where you came from and run off of olmecs head and get him to chase you to about the center of the map. Now Stand underneath olmec for a second until he hops into the sky ready to slam down, While he is in the sky, run over to your right or left and get him to want to squish you again. Then move to your left or right where the 1st trench was let him go down and crush the blocks. Now you just run side to side taunting him while he digs a hole down to the layer with tidepool. Let him squish the last layer of blocks and fall to the 2nd layer. Run to your right and you will see the tidepool entrance.
Now what I do if im going to the temple is after running to the door where tidepool is, I push back the block to block any bombs olmec wants to shoot at me to bounce off. Now I use 4 more bombs here to dig a hole down and also I use a rope and fall down for no health damage.
Video: Skipping Olmec And Getting Ankh
This should work, if not follow link
Video: How I did this
This Should work, If not, Please follow link
[link]Making Olmec Fall
Alright, So Step 1 to this is you are going to be using the 2nd shortcut, come out of that and run in between the 2nd and 3rd torch. Now You have to be Very precise for this part. There’s a sweet spot where you need to put a bomb on the brick line as shown,
So Place the Bomb and back away. Now There should be 1 small block on the left, Hug this block, crouch, and place a bomb and go to the right. Back off and let the bomb explode. Hop back down after its exploded. Now on the right there should be a small stack of 2 blocks and 1 block on your left, Same thing as before, But this time you need to hug the wall to your right, Crouch, And place a bomb, Now run to the block on your left and wait for the bomb to explode. After that, you can hop down and there should be the block you stood on, 2 blocks stacked next to it, and a block in the wall on your left. Now you need to be precise again. So you need to put a bomb close to the left wall but not hugging it and closer to the middle. (see pic)
So place the bomb and climb up the 2 blocks to your left and the one to the left above that one, Now throw a rope up for some height. Now you need to jump and throw a rope in midair on the pillar to your right the one in the middle where you put the first bomb. Make sure its on the left part of the pillar as well. So jump, throw the rope, and hop back to your original rope and then climb onto the rope on the pillar. Now the bomb should have exploded and a nice Olmec sized hole is in the ground. So now you need to climb the middle rope and go to the top, Now Olmec will start hitting himself into the ground, Let him do this until there is 1 block line left, Let him go into the air and then you need to get off the rope and hop onto a part on the side of the hole. Now Olmec should fall. Congratulations! Now hop into the hole in the wall on your right of the hole, And now its time for the harder (kinda) part.
Killing Olmec
Now that Olmec has fallen to the 3rd layer and you are in the right part of the wall, Hop down onto Olmec’s head and go to the left of it, Stay on his head until he moves to the left wall in the layer. Once he gets there, you need to get off and get under him to trigger him to fall and break the layer of blocks. Now he will open up and release a UFO alien thing, If you have a throw able you can throw it at the alien, Or you can just be good and jump on him or hit him and back away. But do this to the right alien so you can repeat the same steps again, Now that the alien is dead and there’s a big crater in the ground go underneath Olmec. Make him mad so he will go back into the air like hes about to slam and move away from him. Now just repeat this step again, go under him, Let him stay in the air like hes floating there and back away. Now another alien will spawn. Go to the part on your right that is elevated and jump up and bounce on the alien so he can explode and make another crater. Just repeat these steps until he falls into the lava, hop onto him, and go through the caves. Now Olmec is dead and you can head to the top and get the Ankh, Get the parachute as well and make sure to get the new skin/henchman guy.