Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number Guide

How to clear your music library for Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number

How to clear your music library


How to do it

Tools you’ll need

Step 1: Select your music WAD file using the WADExplorer

In order to reset your music library back to the original game’s intended tracks, you first need to set the WAD file to the music WAD.

Step 2: Merge patch

Click File > Merge Patch and it will bring up the merge patch prompt. We won’t be merging anything here, instead, there’s a small option in the bottom left corner we’ll use to reset the music tracks back to their original state.

Step 3: Restore from Backup

If you made a backup, the application will ask you if you want to reset the library according to the backup. Click “Restore” and it will erase all modified tracks and restore them back to the original game’s intended track.