How to change color of text on signs, display cases etc.
Hi, and welcome to my guide how to change color of text on signs, display cases and other text-showing blocks.
Continute reading that guide, if you want to get effect like this:
Colorful text
It’s simple. You know Hex Color format? No? No problem, you can use that tool[htmlcolorcodes.com]
We will need that 6 symbols that are showed on the top of the list. Just choose your favourite color, and copy that 6 symbols. When you will be in game, just when you will edit text, before typing anything, type <#000000> (yes, you need to add the # symbol)
After you typed that code, it should disappear. Now, you can type with your favourite color.
What if you want to delete or change color? Just delete whole text and when everything is deleted, press backspace once, and the code should pop up.
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