Clea Guide

How to create costume mods for Clea

How to create costume mods


Instructions on how to create costume mods for Clea!

How to create costume mods

It is super easy to build mods! See this spritesheet?

Save the PNG, open the file in an image editor, replace your assets, then save your PNG inside one of these folders (please note you need to create the Costumes folder yourself if it does not already exist):

Windows: C:/Users/(UserName)/AppData/LocalLow/InvertMouse/Clea/Costumes
Mac: ~Library/Application Support/com.invertmouse.clea/Costumes
Linux: .config/unity3d/InvertMouse/Clea/Costumes

When you launch the game, the above folders will be created for your platform. Create the Costumes folder on your own, place your spritesheet inside, then restart the game and you are all set. In game, on the costume selection screen, navigate to your costume using those left and right arrows.

Note 1: Costume mods work for the demo version, too! Clea’s folder name will contain the word demo in that case.

Please note your file must not only be a transparent PNG, but it also needs alpha channel data to be stored. Without this, your costume will appear glitchy.

For Photoshop, use this plugin:


Once this plugin is installed, you will see an option to Save As a SuperPNG. Make sure PNG Interlacing, Save Metadata, Transparency and Clean Transparent are all switched on in the prompt.

For your reference, here is a PSD with Clea’s outlines and colors separated (some are merged because of the way they were produced):


Note 1: Because of the animation meshes being used, Clea’s general shape must match the original’s. For instance, her dress, shoes and hair must retain their shapes.

Note 2: I will not be able to promote anything that breaks copyright or is sexual in nature. Outside of that, please do share your works! I would love to see and showcase your creations.

Thank you!

P.S. For cross-collab opportunities, contact(at)invertmouse(dot)com