Car Mechanic Simulator 2018 Guide

How to customize your garage. for Car Mechanic Simulator 2018

How to customize your garage.


You’ve looked at the dev news at least once, and have you wondered how they make those floors and walls different than the ones in the game? or maybe a Youtuber has a cool looking garage interior? Well this is the place to learn how to do it!

Step 1: Installing required DLC

Before you launch cms18, there is a certain DLC you have to install, but don’t worry; It’s free:
Now, once that is downloaded, the DLC should be automatically enabled, so now you can start up the game!

Step 2: Upgrading the Garage

So now in order to use the DLC, you have to 1st upgrade to either the 2nd or 3rd expansion of the garage, or if you’re in sandbox you can just click on the upgrade garage in the toolbox, either way if you did the 2nd expansion or the 3rd expansion, they will be in the bottem right area when facing towards the warehouse. You should see a ladder with a small tool box and paint buckets, which is how you can now customize your garage. Have fun!