The unbearable fog irritates you, read here!
Make your Armello clear and limpid at last
What is the DOF ?
Surely you have seen it, if you zoom-in too close you create two transparent and opaque horizontal bands ( as if it were fog, a Blur effect ), so characters and environment blurs out close to the camera, prevents you having a clear and complete look.
Fortunately the solution is simple and must be inserted once to enable it; in case of OS crashes, it may happen that the procedure should be redone.
- Press for the Command Console the ” ~ ” key above the Tab key on the far left, on some keyboards the key changes and could be the ” ‘ ” key or ” Ò ç @ ” key
( it’s basically the key to the right of the letter ” L ” in European keyboards, also valid for some Apple keyboards – ATTENTION other Apple keyboards have the key ” ; : ” )
Some examples:
– [link]
– [link]
– [link]
– [link]
– [link] - A black window will pop up
- Type ” help list “, then type ” r_tiltshiftenable false “
With the new update 2.0, there are also 2 new commands ( the method is always the same, type the command and add “false” )
- “r_dofenable” even if this doesn’t serve to remove the dof and I can’t understand what graphic change does, I noticing an increase in speed and FPS
- “r_fogenable” remove a good part of the clouds and all the haze but this creates 2 chromatic-visual bug, you will see the top part with more marked red tones, well delimited by a straight line that moves according to the height of the camera or the exact opposite (see below).
A third bug can also happen, where the bottom half freezes while the small part above works normally.
On my advice, the fogenable command turns out to be too unstable to be used despite there being a way to use it.
This alternative working method has been discovered and tested by Dolop O’Dog, distinct thanks
- Type “g_colorgradingenable false” this command render the commands r_tiltshift + r_dofenable unnecessary
- Type “r_fogenable false”
Unfortunately this method is unstable maybe due to hardware conflicts of video card or screen and may not work creating annoying graphical bugs.
Instead after some test “g_colorgradingenable false” proves to be a good command to make the environment less bright despite increasing the shading of objects, can be used smoothly with the “r_dofenable” and “r_tiltshiftenable”.
There is also an additional working method discovered by Setämies ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ, which involves combining the various commands in a precise order of entry, distinct thanks.
This order is:
- disabling g_colorgradingenable
- disabling r_tiltshiftenable
- disabling r_dofenable
- disabling r_fogenable
Try the Three methods, if you encounter problems with the alternative methods you can always use the classic method without problems and also use the command “colorgrading” in case you don’t like the game lighting.
To return the command in default mode, retype by using the word “true”.
Example: “r_X true” where X is the command.
Done, that’s it, good vision and good game to all players.