FNaF World Guide

How to Easily Farm Tokens for FNaF World

How to Easily Farm Tokens


The best way to force encounters with Gold Endo, allowing for easy token farming.


Surely you’ve heard of the enigmatic Gold Endo? The one who appears seemingly at random in the Pinwheel Funhouse? If you haven’t, allowed me to introduce him.

Gold Endo is a secret boss in FNaF World, located in the Pinwheel Funhouse. Encountering him is extremely difficult, but upon killing him he drops a large amount of tokens. (500 on normal, 1000 on hard!)

However, through some decompiling, I have determined the easiest method for farming the Gold Endo to make acquiring tokens a breeze. After all, you’re going to need a good source of income if you want to buy everything available for use.

To start out, we must understand exactly how Gold Endo’s spawning method functions. On to the next section!


DISCLAIMER: Although I no longer have the source code stored on my hard drive, all of this data was verified by decompiling Update 1 and reading it in Clickteam Fusion 2.5. This method has been verified to work with Update 2 as well. If you want proof, you can always give my guide a try in-game and it’ll speak for itself.

First of all, Gold Endo is actually represented with a physical form in the overworld; however, it is invisible to the player. I don’t have any screenshots from the source code, but you can easily look at the in-game map to prove this.

But that’s a pretty big map right? Since we’re looking for a very specific object, I’ll zoom in on the spot you should be looking at.

See that dark red box inside the walls? That right there is Gold Endo. This box follows a set path through the Pinwheel Funhouse, clipping through walls until it reaches its end point, then it reverses and travels through its path backwards, then it loops.

So it should be an easy task getting him to show up, right? All we have to do is stand in the middle of his path!

Well, not exactly. Gold Endo has a value tied to him, which starts at 0 and is randomized between 0 and 1 every second the game is running. When he collides with the player, this value is checked. If it equals 0, he passes over the player harmlessly. If it equals 1, the battle is started. This means that standing on his starting point will not work, as it takes atleast a second for him to be activated. So what do we do?

That’s easy. We need to stand approximately where he will pass over after the game runs for one second. For more details, continue to the next section of the guide!


Now that we know how the spawning method works, how can we use it to our advantage? Simple!

It’s as easy as standing in a certain spot, then constantly entering and exiting the party/chips/bytes menu. Let me explain.

When the overworld is loaded, Gold Endo starts moving immediately. Every second, the game randomizes whether or not he will attack if he crosses over the player. This can easily be exploited by standing right where he will be 1 second into his path, and then reloading the overworld over and over until he reappears. And the easiest way to reload the overworld, you ask? By opening any of the 3 menus at the bottom of the screen, and closing them.

Whenever you go into one of the 3 menus, the game unloads the overworld from memory and goes to a different frame. Exiting this menu reloads the overworld and re-enters it. This means that it will also reset Gold Endo’s path, and since he follows the same path every time, you can guarantee that he will cross the same spot at the same time! So where is this magical spot, exactly?

Right here. Standing in this exact spot and reloading the game every 2 seconds or so makes it a BREEZE to find Gold Endo. Once he finally shows up, all you have to do is kill him and BAM, instant money.

Do note that once he is killed the first time, he does not respawn until you restart your game. To do so, just save your game, press F2 to return to the title screen, load your save, and repeat the process again.

Using this method you can easily get a ton of money and max out all your bytes and endoskeletons, and even get the secret pearl trophy without breaking a sweat!

EDIT: If you need help making it to the spot I’ve listed, you’ll first have to progress through the Funhouse until you end up in a field with tree trunks. To the bottom right corner there are two walkthrough trunks leading up to a boss fight with Bubba. After defeating Bubba, go into the tent past him and you should end up in the same room as the farming spot.


Chances are some of you won’t want to fish through all of that text, in which case, I’ve provided a small recap below, as well as a YouTube video in case you’re confused.

tl;dr: By standing in the spot seen above, you can easily force Gold Endo by entering the party/chips/byte menu and exiting, then waiting for about 2 seconds. Rinse and repeat until he spawns; kill him to obtain anywhere from 500-1000 tokens. Restart your game with F2 then reload your save to repeat the process as much as you need to.


Thanks for reading my first Steam community guide! Whether you just skimmed through or sat through the whole thing, I really appreciate being able to help.

I would like to apologize for not posting this sooner. I had actually discovered this before the release of Update 2, but didn’t know whether it was worth making a guide or not. Although the community is mostly inactive at this point, there are still a few faithful fans that play this game to this day. This is my gift to you guys for helping me out with your various guides and wiki pages. I hope you find it useful 😉

If you have any tips or suggestions for future guides, let me know in the comments, and I’ll get to it as soon as possible!
