Starbound Guide

How to easily find and defeat the Ruin for Starbound

How to easily find and defeat the Ruin


An easy way to find and kill the Ruin once you have all 6 Artifacts. (Version 1.1)Oh yeah, I’m too lazy to update this anymore.

Finding and killing the Ruin

Once teleported to the Ruin, you will land on a giant mass of tentacle blocks or blob blocks. What you want to do now is dig down. A max Matter Manipulator will really help for this part. When you dig down deep enough, your S.A.I.L. will say that there is a giant chasm or something below you. You can use the blocks you picked up from mining to go down, use a grappling hook/rope or yolo it and use your pulse jump… not one of the best options, that’s for sure. A Steam user (Meteor) suggested to use blob blocks as they are affected by gravity and will fall down with you, not fast enough to ditch you.

You should land on a giant brain. Start wandering around to find a hole going though the brain, then enter it. You should find a one-way door. Remember- once you go through, there’s no coming back. However, if you do die, don’t panic. There is a respawn past the first door (yes, there’s 2 doors) that activates as soon as you enter.

You will have to fight 2 bosses:
-Astra Nox (She doesn’t give up, eh?)
-Heart of the Ruin

The fight with Astra Nox is the same as before, but with the normal enemy hp bar. Once defeated, she will teleport away, and the Heart of the Ruin will awaken.

Once HoR has awoken, it will shoot a giant laser covering most of the arena’s ground (what happened from my 3 HoR fights) that deals over 50 damage with Perfectly Generic Armour (full set), which is basically the best armour. The laser is easily avoidable if you stay away from the centre of the arena all the time, so you can react when the laser charges. It also kills enemies, on the plus side.

HoR’s attacks are:
-Giant laser (already covered)
-Monster spawning (2 types)
-Tentacle attack

The first type of monster spawning is from the corners of the arena, where the fleshy lumps are. They spawn the normal flying enemies you encounter on the surface and underground the ‘planet’. Sometimes exploding ones spawn. They all have low health, like the natural spawning ones.

The second type is when the eye of HoR opens a portal to a biome (ocean, crystal, flesh, etc) and brings a type/types of monsters from that biome into the fight. They have the same stats as a monster on a Fiery Star’s planet would have (I think). They can be relatively annoying.

The tentacle attack is when a giant tentacle appears from one of the corners of the arena, does an arc, then goes back down into the ground. You can tell when they’re appearing by particles erupting from the corners. These mixed with the laser attack can put pressure on you.

The damagable parts of the Ruin is it’s heart, as you probably guessed by now. It has a LOT of health and requires patience, high-damage weapons and a lot of Nanowrap Bandages. Don’t stress when you die, it happens to a lot of players.

Once you kill the heart, your quest for killing the Ruin will change and tell you to escape. (There is no escape, if you were curious.) Seconds after being killed, the heart will explode, then a cutscene showing the Ruin exploding, taking you with it. The cutscene will continue with all 6 races… actually I won’t spoil the ending.

Kill tips

An easy way of killing HoR is by using fireworks. It sounds silly, but they deal a lot of damage. 5-10 fireworks will kill it. Just don’t die while placing them.

If you need strong enough weapons just make a big colony on a moon (will probably be fixed soon). Apparentaly they give tier 10 weapons. Just avoid mining any fuel- the screenshot will explain.

The ragequit way of killing HoR is by turning on Admin. This can be done by typing in ‘/admin’ in the chat. It will make you immune to damage, never starve and have infinite energy. You can slash HoR freely without any problems… other than enemy overload.

Recently asked questions

Q. I can’t find fireworks at the Outpost and can’t craft them.
A. You can get fireworks from merchants out on planets, not on the Outpost. I was able to craft fireworks before 1.0 through a quest.

Q. How do you make Copper Wire and Silicon Boards?
A. They are both created at a Tier 3 furnace.

  • -Copper Wire=1 Copper Ore
  • -Silicon Board=5 Sand, 2 Coal

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