Ragnorium Guide

How to edit game files to fix bugs for Ragnorium

How to edit game files to fix bugs


Some workarounds for common-ish bugs in Ragnorium

Step One: The MOST Important Step!

Report the bug to the developer.

The developer checks out the steam forums! There is also an Official Ragnorium Discord[discord.gg] with a Bug Reports channel! Both are a good way to report bugs, although its probably easier to share your save file over Discord.

How to get to game’s save file

To get to your save to edit the data you gotta go to

where the red is your wacky steam numbers and the Numbered folder is your save’s number in-game plus one, because in-game it starts at 0. once you are here, you will edit one of the two UML files to workaround certain bugs currently in the game.

You can edit the files with whatever you want, but it definitely should have a Find function cause the save files are really big!

Other cool info

You might as well make a .zip file of the save you are editing, for two reasons. One, you can send the zip through discord to the developer if he asks for it when you report the bug, and two, in case you totally wreck the save file by accident, you can use your backup!

Big disclaimer: altering game files can have weird effects! obviously make sure the game isn’t running when you edit files, and understand that even if you follow the instruction correctly, you might corrupt something and kindof ruin the file!

How to ‘Unstuck’ any colonist

this is if your colonist got tripped up on some invisible pathing. for the most part the developer has a lot of fail-safes for automatically unstuck-ing colonists, but if it still doesn’t work this should do the trick.

In order to unstuck a colonist, you need at least one colonist that is NOT stuck.

on the left is my pretend-stuck colonist, on the right is a ‘safe’ colonist that isn’t stuck

Note the exact names of the colonists. you will use the names to find them in the ingame.uml file.

now you can exit the game to edit the ingame.uml file. Assuming you want to keep your progress you should probably save the game before editing. You should also report the bug that got a colonist stuck to the developer, so they don’t get stuck in the future!

using your text editor (or equivalent), search for the name of the “safe” colonist. you need to note the colonists’ humanoid index.

in this case, Daddy’s index is 3, so we need to now search for


in order to get his exact coordinates. Replace ‘3’ with the number you found for your specific colonist, obviously.

Once you get that info, do the same search for your stuck colonist to get to their location.

Paste (or type) in the safe colonists coordinates into the stuck colonists location, and save the file!

Now the stuck colonist should be moved to where the safe one is!

Remove all critter homes

This was for a bug involving bear pits. The bug has apparently been fixed, but i will keep the instructions here regardless

in the ingame.uml file, search for


and set its ‘int’ value to zero. this removes all critter homes, probably permanently!

this will unstuck any stuck colonists because, y’know, the bear pits aren’t there anymore

Remove Wooden Carts

Carts are a little odd right now, and sometimes they add transport time instead of cutting down on it. you can’t really tuck them away somewhere cause colonists keep using them. So… delete them!

In-game, you probably want to make sure the cart is empty, then save/quit.

Now go to your save file, and you need to find a portable object that has its ‘index’ (what type of object) set to 93, which is for the cart. its best to just search


and then make sure you found a portable object and not something else.

Now delete the entire object. you want to note what number this portable object is (in my case it was number 33), and go down until right before the next object (in my case the 34th object).

Make sure not to break the data container of the previous or next portable object! that could totally mess up your save file!

delete it, and save! wooden cart should be gone now!

This works for other portable objects too, i just don’t know of any other trouble-causing objects.

Continue researching after running out of research options

Maybe certain Events can lower the commander’s research level slightly, and maybe research level ticks up incorrectly under certain situations.

Re-enabling the Complex Algorithm research options allows some more points to be gained.

just look up ‘complex_algorithm4’ in the ingame.uml and set it’s ‘completed’ attribute to ‘false’

this should allow you to get some (hopefully enough) more research points.
