Battle Brothers Guide

How to Farm Named Items for Battle Brothers

How to Farm Named Items


Hedge Knights Hate him. Find out how a local man discovered the secret to scoring named items with this One. Simple. Trick.


This guy walks up to your gf in the tavern and grabs her bum. What do you do?

Spoiler Alert!

Spoiler Alert

The Icy Cave

Find the Icy Cave legendary location in the northernmost part of the map. Within the cave resides the Barbarian Madman, who always carries a named Rusty Warblade and the Broken Ritual Armor. Choose your highest damage and best armored high level brother against him, and release a wardog to distract him. Two handed weapons are optimal.

Wandering around in the snow can trigger events that lead you in the direction of the cave

The Hunting Ground

After defeating the Barbarian Madman, the Hunting Ground legendary location will spawn somewhere on the tundra. Go there next to fight the Ijirok for a legendary armor and helmet in exchange for the Broken Ritual Armor from the Icy Cave.

The Bounty Hunter

Congratulations, you now have 3 named or legendary items and have thus unlocked the Bounty Hunter follower. The Bounty Hunter will increase the odds of locating champions, and by extension, teh phat loot drops. Keep an eye out for roving mobs that have champions in them, and punish them for their transgressions. You will know them by the skull icon next to their name.

The Golden Goose is classified as a named item. It can therefore be used towards unlocking the Bounty Hunter.

3-Skull Contracts

Battle Brothers is a calculated risk simulator. Broadly speaking, the higher the risk, the higher the reward, so when you’re ready, gird your loins and take on a 3-skull contract for a shot at spawning a named item.

WARNING: 1 or 2-skull contracts can overwrite named items that a location may be holding.

Tavern Rumors

As one might expect of a fantasy role-playing game, taverns in Battle Brothers allow the option to inquire about local rumors. Pay special attention to any rumors mentioning powerful items, then go and investigate.

Bear in mind that the rumors will just reveal the location of a named item, they aren’t creating new ones.

The Big Wagon

Consider the following: the big wagon indirectly influences the rate of acquiring named items because it allows you to earn more gold in a shorter period of time. Having more gold allows you to buy named items in the shops, the likelihood of which is further increased by completing caravan contracts.

Caravan Contracts

Caravan contracts give the well supplied buff to the end location, which spawns named items in the shops. Aim for caravan contracts which land in locations containing shops like the weaponsmith and armorsmith, then peruse the wares upon arrival.

My favorite. A one-handed spear.

The Agent

You must have accumulated quite the collection of named items by now and have earned yourself a good reputation. The time has come to challenge the man in the tavern and reclaim the one who was taken from you, The Agent. The Agent allows you to scan for caravan contracts when you’ve saved up a lot of gold, and that’s just one of the many reasons it’s nice to have her around.

Would you?

Miscellaneous Tips

  • In general, the further out you are, the larger and more challenging the camps will be
  • The more challenging the camps, the higher the likelihood of spawning named items
  • Brothers are expendable, but loot is forever
  • Don’t waste gold on pointless named items like one-handed spears unless you like spears
  • Do spend gold on named 2-handed weapons, especially hammers, maces and swords
  • Named light armor is relatively cheap compared to the more expensive heavy variety
  • Consider waiting a while before choosing a weapon mastery perk
  • You might score a good named weapon and want to use that as your weapon mastery
  • Better looking gear will also perform better, regardless of stats


“There is no such thing as luck; there is only adequate or inadequate preparation to cope with a statistical universe.”

-Robert A. Heinlein