This guide will show you how to farm BP by exploiting checkpoints in a certain level so that you can amass BP for quick upgrades or to finish off the “Ich Liebe Kapitalismus!” achievement.
Welcome to this guide. It’s going to be rather short, as its a pretty simple trick. To perform this, all you need to have as a prerequisite is have gotten to chapter 2 (easy enough, right?).
I don’t claim to have invented this, I’m merely posting it as a guide form for quick and easy access on steam for the new players who start on PC or double dippers who didnt hear about it the first time.
Without further ado, let’s begin!
First off, you will want to traverse through Chapter 2 until you reach a part in the level that requires you to fight off a handful of Dwarf Gekkos as a ranked fight. It looks like this upon falling down into the area:
You’ll know you are there when you hear Blade Wolf inform you that there is a boy in the sewers.
At this point, do the rank fight against the Dwarf Gekkos as best you can (I recommend either Ninja Run weak attack spam with a strong weapon or using the polearm subweapon), ranking doesnt matter for this but it gets you more BP if you do better. After you are awarded your rank, backtrack to where you started and you’ll see one of the ‘ninja dwarfs’ (I have no idea what they are actually called but it’s the two Dwarf Gekkos combined and standing on one another.)
Upon reaching them, slicing them apart (not into pieces, sever them where they are joined) in Blade Mode will result in them dropping two large BP cache chips.
Upon acquiring them, open up your Codec and select customize. It will inform you that your progress will revert to the last checkpoint after you exit customization.
When in the customization screen, you can either exit immedeiately to save BP or buy an upgrade, it doesnt matter. Whenever you make your decision, exit the upgrade screen and you’ll come back to the lower sewer entrance at the advent of the Dwarf Gekko fight; with the instance ready to be fought again and the Ninja Gekkos respawned, and your BP carried over.
Enjoy easier farming for upgrades! If this guide helped out, I always appreciate +1s or thanks in the comment section! God Bless Capitalism!