Forged Battalion Guide

How to farm RP - efficient and fast for Forged Battalion

How to farm RP – efficient and fast


Well the title says it all. I am not saying, however, that this is the best or only method, just one I found comparatively fast.I am aware you can farm a lot of RP from RP crates from the destruction of buildings, but this would be extremely reliant on RNG. Therefor it is a method I neither used nor will feature here outside of this mentioning.

Introductionary Chatter

Aside of the fact that I think unlocking stuff like this in a RTS is a bad design decision, I still wanted to play this game, and by play, I of course mean “with all dem toys”.

After a quite short time I found this method of farming – depending on your luck – about 100 RP per 5 minute skirmish. (Ofc the match can be longer or shorter, depending on your luck with the enemy faction. My record afaik was 4:36)

Preperations and Prerequisits with a side of Explanation

In order to do this as fast as possible you need to complete the first mission of the campaign on easy.
This should give you enough points to AT LEAST unlock rockets – an important part of the strategy.

If you also have enough points for the armor support module, also grab that. If not grab it after the first skirmish (which we then will do on easy instead of medium difficulty).

Everything more than this is nice to have, but not absolutely needed.

Rockets – those will be your main source of damage. You use them with LVs in order to create aggressive unit that deals good damage against everything – also and especially buildings

Armor – While LVs with rockets AND armor upgrades would be tier two, MG + armor on LVs is still tier one – so you will take a number of those to tank for your significantly more fragile rocket LVs

Fission Power Upgrade – While not ABSOLUTELY needed, it allows you for an optimized build order and to build units several seconds earlier.

Anti Material Rifles – Infantry with ONLY AMRs is still tier 1, allows you to start with 3 of them

Grenade Launcher – LVs with GLs and Armor are still tier 1 units and while they are a bit more expensive then the MG variant they deal better damage against buildings and splash damage to quickly deal with groups of enemies.

SA Restructuring – Infantry with ONLY SARs are still tier 1 and slightly cheaper than the AMR carrier, means if you have both you spawn with 2 SARs and 1 AMR.

Flamethrower – While this is VERY optional, considering how late you will have access to this, it is another option to put on the tanking LVs while keeping them tier 1. It makes the whole thing less micro-intense, as they have a shorter range, means you don’t need to watch your troops as much, as Flamer IVs tend to be in the front anyway.

The Faction

So, the core units of your army now will be the Rocket LV (no further upg) as main damage dealer and the MG LV (with armor) as your tank.

Optional you can use GL LV (with armor) as tank as well.

If you have unlocked any of those yet, feel free to use infantry with AMR (and SAR) to start with, if not just use Rocket or MG infantry (both with armor) as those also would be tier 1.

More relevant to optimize the whole ordeal – which, even with this guide, it is in the end – is the HQ upgrade “Fission Power” as it allows you to deploy units way earlier.

Overall your faction should like somewhat like this:

The Skirmish (I really had no idea for a cool title here, sorry)

When setting up the skirmish, take the map Mountain Settlement (the same map you played on during the first mission of the campaign few minutes ago), as it has a very short and direct way between the bases.
The bot should already be set to NORMAL difficulty, you want to keep that (unless you are missing the armor upgrade, then you go for EASY). The most important bit here is to set the game mode to “DESTROY HQ”.
So in the end it should look like this:

Now to the build order – and here comes the HQ upgrade into play:
You start with a Refinery (who saw that one coming) next to the ressources SW of your HQ, and immediatly after that finishes you start building two collectors and a LV factory, stretching towards the next ressource field in the SE, where you build a second refinery and after the refinery has finished (or you are sure to have enough money to finish it) build another collector, you should now have one collector for each ressource deposit. If you do lack the Fission Power upgrade, you build a power plant instead of the factory. (Important note: make sure to WP the first collector you build to the field in the SW and the other two to the one in the SE!)
This should look somewhat like this – also look at the exact placement of the second building in the second picture:

As soon as you have all 6 intial ressource fields covered and your LV is up start building 5 armored MG LVs and after that SPAM rocket LVs – you should not run out of money anymore at this point.

After this you want to stretch to the ressource deposits in the East arround the ramp right before the body of water. Therefor you build a reactor and a second LV factory – without the Fission Power upgrade you can now build two LV factories. When the second LV factory is about 30-40% done start to build another two collectors, guide the first one onto the deposit on top of the ramp and the other one on one of the fields below it. When the LV factory #2 is done, build a refinery directly next to the ramp and once this is done you build the third LV factory on the other side of the ramp – if you have Fission Power – if not you want to build another reactor first to prevent low power and then stretch the final LV factory further towards the enemy base.

Without the Fission Power upgrade:

As soon as you have 3-4 rocket IVs start the attack. Make sure you use the latest built IV factory to minimize the travel time and put a waypoint on one of your rocket LVs.

First go to the ressource deposits SW as the AI tends to group their troops there, so you can fight them without base defense assisting them. After this make a direct attack at the enemy base, take down (for LV dangerous) base defenses as well as leftover troops and immedialty focus on the HQ afterwards.

– make a control group (CTRL + 1/2/…/0) with your third LV factory before attacking allows you to quickly put the way point on another LV, should the one you put the original WP on die.
– if you have the SAR infantry make sure to make a control group with them in order to make it easier to manage the healing

So after all this, if everything worked you should see this after about 5 minutes.