If you are tired of random terrain in Surving Mars right after the start and you want to know what Breakthrougs are waiting for you- then you need to look into this guige 🙂
UPDATE – IT’S NOT WORKING AFTER NEW UPDATE. Will update this, once website is adjusted to changes in the game.
Hey, I like Surving Mars but it was really a bummer to find ‘a perfect map’ for all the acheivements the game has. Quite recently I’ve stumbled upon some very good websites and guides that allow me to enjoy the game right from the start. Hope it will help you too!
Holly Grale of Maps
Here’s a link to a website, that actully GRADES the map details and perks YOU want to have!
[link]Main things that you can toggle:
- Topography (Flat, Steep, Mountain etc.)
- Location (e.g. if you want your colony to be at the EXACT place where Curiosity Rover landed – Gale Crater, 5S137E)
- Breakthrough +/- – this is gold! Finaly, you can CHOOSE what Breakthroughs you will have in the game
- Resources – how many of ech resource you want to have
- Threats – how dangerous your map can be
Let’s dive into the possibilities, right after I credit the source, from where I found this gem:
How to use the website
All in all, that’s about it – you can rush and play with the website 😉 Here I will leave some perks that will help you to have the best start ever:
Let’s emulate the process of a map selection:
- 1. Start to choose your map by the breakthroughs you want to have.
List of breakthroughs you can find here[survivingmars.paradoxwikis.com].
I choose:- Ancient Terraforming Device (+20% to terraforming progress),
- Eternal Fusion (your fusion rectors work without people),
- Factory Automation (-2 workers in Polymer, Machine Parts and Electronic factories),
- Service Bots (service buildings don’t require people to operate)
- Multispiral Architecture (Dome can have 2 Spires)
And now we have a nice list of 13 possible locations
- 2. as it comes to resources – I really want lots of Rare Metals, so I put 3 and 4.
That gives us just 4 options
- 3. I am a fan of ramps, so I want my map to be bumpy.
I will take option 4 (52N127E), as it has 3 levels where I can built ramps 😀
And here we have it! Perfect map for a perfect run=)
Please keep in mind, that some configurations of resources, threats and breakthroughs are not possible, so you will have to toggle a bit 😉
P.S. More useful links
Over the course of the game I found some really good guides/websites here, so I want to mention them also:
The Comprehensive Guide to Comfort, Sanity, Health and Morale by Black Walsh
Tips and tricks for 1000%+ playthroughs. by Black Walsh
List of Mysteries[survivingmars.paradoxwikis.com] (SPOILERS!)
List of Random events that can happen[survivingmars.paradoxwikis.com] (SPOILERS)