This Guide is chronological. You can either play along and collect everything while playing the main story or just skip to whatever Collectible you are still missing.
Welcome to my Vampyr Guide!
Just a few words, before you jump in. On every location screenshot please use my player position as a reference and not the red circle of the mouse/controller position. Also, if you have any questions or concerns, just comment below and I will help you to the best of my abilities.
This guide is chronological, meaning if you want to, you can use it while playing along with the main/side missions.
Please don’t use my pictures without my consent. Thank you very much! 🙂
Weakness of Vampires: Fire and Sun
The first one, you absolutely cannot miss. It’s almost right in front of you after escaping from the Guard of Priwen in the Tutorial and entering the house. It’s on the first floor on a shelf.
The Guard of Priwen: New Practices, New Tactics
Following the blood from the killer, you will go through a warehouse. When you leave it, you will find the corpse as shown in the image above. For anyone not playing the main quest right now, just look at the player position in the image below.
Weakness of Vampires: About the Use of Garlic and Wooden Stakes
After first entering the hospital, you will find this collectible beside the bed of Thelma Howcroft in the first room on the right side.
The Origin of Vampires: Fertile is the Belly of the Beast! (side quest only)
This collecible can be completed right after first visiting the Pembroke Hospital. First you’ll need to eavesdrop on Mortimer and his mother right outside the window to their room. Then you’ll need to talk to Mortimer about what you’ve heard. He will then give you the key to his apartment, which is just south of the Hospital. Alternatively, you can just kill him and get the key this way.
The collectible can be found in the room with the bed you can sleep in.
Species of Vampires: Rare Species of Vampires
Right after starting the “A Rat in the Hospital” main quest, you will be able to (for the first time) get into Dr. Swansea’s office. There you will find the next collectible as shown in the image above.
The Brotherhood of Saint-Paul Stole: The Ban of the Dragon
When following the “A Rat in the Hospital” main quest, you will listen to a thug talking to Nurse Crane. He will then disappear into a sewer and you’re instructed to follow him. While looking in the sewers you will find a corpse with the next collectible on them. Again, for anyone not currently playing the main quest, just look at the player position in the image below. Just remember that you have to be in the sewer.
The Need for Blood: Blood as Addiction
Upon entering the Whitechapel district for the first time, this will be the first safehouse you’ll be able to enter. The position of the collectible is (as always) shown on the picture above, if you’re unsure if you’re at the right safe house or if you’re simply not playing along with the main quest, just look at the player position in the image below.
The Guard of Priwen: Professional Vampire Hunters
While searching for information about Darius Petrescu, you will talk to a lot of different people. This collectible can be found in the Peterson Residence (the house where Harry Peterson is inside of at all times) on the second floor. The flyer is on a table, as shown on the image above.
The Origin of Vampires: The Antique Figure of the Vrykolakas
After gathering enough information about Darius Petrescu, you will be able to enter his house. In the storage section of his house, there will be the next collectible waiting for you.
The Great Hunt: Hail to our fallen Comrades! (side quest only)
The next collectible I would recommend you complete is the one for the Thelma Howcroft side mission. When talking to her she will mention vampire hunters, that are stalking her and the “Wrong Target” mission will be triggered. At the end of the investigation there will be a house from the Guard of Priwen. The collectible is in the last floor in a safe.
Weakness of Vampires: Holy Symbols and Orichalcum
The next collectible can be found right before Mary’s funeral. On the east side of the cemetery there is a possibility to teleport up an edge (as shown in the picture above). Go straight ahead and you will find a corpse, who has the next collectible on them, just like in the picture below.
The Skals: Origin of the Skals
(for this screenshot, don’t look at the main mission depicted in the image, because I took it later on in the game, the mission should be: “The Sad Saint of the East End”)
On your next mission, following the traces of Harriet Jones and Sean Hampton, you will be able to find the next collectible. It’s right outside the Night Shelter’s Vicinity on a barrel. For anyone not sure about the location, just look at the player position on the screenshot below.
Species of Vampires: Supremacy of Ekons
Right after realising what has become of Sean Hampton, you will go into a sewer and eventually get to the Skal Hideout. This collectible can be found in the Skal hideout, inside Harriet Jones’s room.
The Story of Ascalon: Vampire Factions and Skals
After taking care of Sean Hamptons fate, you can go straight up to Martin Nightingale, the merchant right on the other side of the street. You will now be able to purchase the next collectible from him, as shown in the image above.
The Story of Ascalon: The Vampire Club
The next collectible can be completed earlier in the story, since it is in the hideout just across the bridge north-west of the Hospital, but when you follow the main quest, you will end up there anyway. After following the blood trail in “Red Rivers”, you will eventually end up by a corpse (shown in the picture above). On the left side of the corpse, there will be a hideout available, where you can gather your next collectible, position shown on the picture below.
The Great Hunt: The Blood Night Tragedy
Right after starting the “Shadow Cabinet” mission, you will go to Lady Ashbury’s mansion. After her first talk with you, you will end up outside again, but you can just go right back inside. On the second floor in her painting room, there will be the next collectible waiting for you.
The Origin of Vampires: The Heresy of the Pure Blood (side quest only)
Before paying a visit to the Ascalon Club, I would suggest you save Kimura Tadao first. The rescure mission “Alignment of stars” is triggered right behind the Reid House and after you have saved him, there will be a collectible in the room where he is standing.
The Story of Ascalon: History and Purpose of the Ascalon Club
Before you go and meet Lord Redgrave just yet, pay a visit to the open office on the first floor to your right side. There will be the next collectible waiting for you on the table.
The Need for Blood: Of the Recreational Use of Blood
In the same building, where you collected the “History and Purpose of the Ascalon Club” you should also be able to find a key for the Ascalon Club’s basement. The key to the door is found in the office on the second floor of the building. In this basement you can find the next collectible, as shown in the image above.
The Brotherhood of Saint-Paul Stole: The Lost Library
After joining the Ascalon Club, you will be able to enter the house with Venus Crossley inside. In her bedroom, there will be the next collectible waiting for you.
Species of Vampire: The Violence of Vulkods (side quest only)
It’s best to gather this collectible while also tracking the “Like Father, like Daughter” side quest. You can start the quest by either hearing Louise Teasdale’s screams in the sewers or picking up the “Pinned letter” on the house in Temple Garden. While making your way through the sewers (entrance is on the left side of Temple Garden), you will need to defeat the Leon Augustin boss, who will drop the next collectible, as shown in the pictures. If you’re not sure about the position of the boss, just look at the screenshot below.
The Skals: The Ichor’s Threat
During the “Grand Guignol” main quest, you will have to enter the Doris Fletcher Theatre. On the backside of the theatre, there is a corpse of an Ekon, with the next collectible. If you are unsure about the position, check out the screenshot below.
The Great Hunt: The Crime of Lost Knowledge
When trying to get into the Dawson mansion in “Unnatural Selection”, you will talk to the rest of the citizens of the West End. Right in front of the fortune teller Usher Talltree, you will be able to get the next collectible.
The Brotherhood of Saint-Paul Stole: The Origin of the Brotherhood (side quest only)
While talking to Usher Talltree, he will also instruct you, to help him retrieve his lost notebook. This can be completed during your second visit to the Doris Fletcher theatre, so don’t worry about it, if you are not already in the “Science without Conscience” main mission. The reason I’m bringing up this mission early is because it is very easy to lock yourself out of this collectible.
During your second visit to the theatre, you will need to go to the basement, find the safe and the note about the safe code, then go upstairs (two times) again, to fight the Priwen Guard in the balcony. They will drop the code and you can open the safe.
If you open it, there will be simply no chance of you ever getting this collectible.
The Legendary Vampires: The Vampire Knight
During your second visit to the Doris Fletcher theatre, you will be able to get this collectible in the basement, in the room with the “William Marshal’s Memoirs” and the safe. This is the room right next to the one Dr Swansea is held captive.
The Guard of Priwen: Laughing at the Guard (side quest only)
For this collectible you will need to go back to where it all started (Southwark). It’s best to also complete the “Ghouldiggers”, the “Journey to the Past” and the “Tribute to the Victims” missions while there, because they are the only reason to go back there. It’s not linked to any of these side missions though, so just consider this a free hint.
While making your way through Southwark, you will find an almost empty warehouse, where you need to defeat a Gigantic Beast in oder to get the “Foundry Key”. This can be used on the last floor of the building, where a Ill-formed Skal will attack you. After defeating it, you can find the next collectible on a shelf as shown in the picture.
Because this is the only one linked to no mission at all, just use my player position in the screenshot as a reference, if you don’t manage to find it on your own.
The Skals: Extermination of the Rodents (side quest only)
In the sewers north-east of the Pembroke Hospital, you can find the next collectible. I have also included an image of the stairs leading to the entrance of the sewers, if you don’t know which one I’m talking about. They are called the Stonebridge Sewers.
When walking through the sewers, you will find a corpse and searching it will give you this collectible. If you are not sure about the whereabouts of the corpse, just look at my player position in the screenshot below.
The Need for Blood: Vampires feed on our Soul! (side quest only)
Once you are Mesmerize Level 4, you can visit Mason Swanborough’s House in the Whitechapel Streets. In some drawers, there is the next collectible.
The Legendary Vampires: The Blood Goddess Heresy (side quest only)
This is one of the more difficult ones to get. If you’ve played the game attentively, you will probably already have some Braille Texts, which should have triggered the “Occult Oculus” side mission. If you are missing some of the Texts, I will give you some quick hints (also chronological) how to find them. Unless you are planning to get Whitechapel into the “Hostile” status, because then Mason Swanborough will have disappeared and you can just enter the secret laboratory in the Stonebridge Sewers.
Braille #1
In the house, where you rescue Cadogan Bates in the “Retaliation” side mission, in the room with him. The “Abandoned Investment Property” house can be found on the right side of the Whitechapel Street, when you enter from the Hospital side.
Braille #2
On a Priwen corpse.
Braille #3
In the dress shop of the shopping mall in West-End district.
Braille #4
In the Stonebridge Sewers.
After you have collected all the Braille notes and let Mason translate them, or have Mason go missing/kill him, you can now enter the secret laboratory in the Stonebridge sewers. You will either have to enter the code, or the door will simply be open.
After defeating the mad chemist, you will find the collectible in a closet.
The Legendary Vampires: The Myth of the Horned Vampire
You can find this collectible in the last chapter before the Epilogue, after you’ve talked to your Maker, while following the blood trail, which will lead you to Harriet Jones. As soon as you’ve teleported up the increase, you can just turn left and not follow the blood trail. This will also be your last chance to do anything at all, so be wise with your time, because you can still exit at this point.
Leave through the door depicted in the upper image and turn left, you will soon find a basket with the last collectible.
I sincerely hope my guide helped you in some way 🙂