BioShock Remastered Guide

How to fix Bioshock Remastered flickering textures on first start for BioShock Remastered

How to fix Bioshock Remastered flickering textures on first start


WARNING: THIS ONLY APPLIES WHEN YOU FIRST START PLAYING THE GAME, TURNING V-SYNC OFF DURING GAMEPLAY WILL CAUSE FLICKERING TEXTURE ISSUES, PLEASE TURN THEM ON IF YOU EXPERIENCE THIS DURING THE MIDDLE OF THE GAME.Hello everybody! I have seen someone actually talk about flickering textures and thought why not help fix this annoying problem?I will be quite honest, I’ve had this problem the first time I started playing! Guess what? Here is the easiest fix!To fix your bioshock textures from flickering, go to options, graphics, then turn on anti-aliasing after that all you must do is turn it back off or keep it on if you’d like. If you have anti aliasing on, turn it off then back on! That is all there is to fixing your texture problems!:D

For any other questions.

You can add me on steam if you have any other questions of things. I may or may not know the answer since I haven’t fully completed the game but am proudly playing it. Hope my guide helped all those havin texture problems!