Fairy Fencer F Guide

How to fix the Visual C++ error for Fairy Fencer F for Fairy Fencer F

How to fix the Visual C++ error for Fairy Fencer F


I’ve had an issue with Fairy Fencer F, that prevented me from running the damn game in general.It said it had an issue with Visual C++, and even after reinstalling all the versions from 2005 to 2015, both x86 and x64, the game still wouldn’t run.I gave up hope.But then, a user by the name of “Squall Leonhart” came out and told us how to fix the problem.I am here, writing this guide, in hopes of spreading awareness on how to fix this issue for any users that might encounter it.

Why it happens in the first place

Typically, this is the error you receive:

But why does it happen?

A quote from Squall Leonhart’s post:

“This is actually an issue with your machines either lacking the necessary Direct Media Objects (N versions of Windows for example), or the DMO’s being corrupt, their registry data incorrect, etc – Or the directory path in which the game is installed is too long.

There has been some confusion with some people adamant it is not their codecs because changing from LAV, back to Windows defaults, or ffdshow (or whatever) has not rectified the issue.

1. LAV uses the native Direct Media Object provided by Windows (and Windows N with the necessary media pack installed)
2. The error is reproducible by simply renaming the Movies folder. (this gives weight to the possibility of the directory path being too long.)”

How To Fix

Alright, so you’ve read the causes of the issue.
How do you actually address the issue?

Step 1:

Download a tool called Codec Tweak Tool 5.9.9.
Here’s a direct link to download it![www.videohelp.com]

Step 2:

Run Codec Tweak Tool (obviously)

Step 3:

Once you’ve booted up Codec Tweak Tool, you want to press on “Fixes” right here

Tick “Re-register base DirectShow filters” and press “Apply & Close”

While it’s doing that, many error messages will popup, saying that certain files are missing or their registry keys are corrupt. Just press “Yes” on all of them.

Step 4:

Now that you’ve cleared up all the corrupt codecs, it’s time to turn back on those Microsoft codecs.

Go to “Preferred Splitters”

And in the 32-bit source filters, make sure that you have “Microsoft” filters set (at least where they’re available). Ignore the 64-bit ones.

Try running the game now!

Additional stuff you might want to download (for users with N OS’s)

If after performing all of that, the game still doesn’t work, there is one more thing you can try.

If you have an “N” version of Windows, you need to download the Media Packs that correspond to your operating system:
For Windows 7 users[www.microsoft.com]
For Windows 8.1 users[www.microsoft.com]
For Windows 10 users[www.microsoft.com]

End of Guide + Credits

And that is the end of the guide!

Thanks for reading, I hope this helped you out!

Big special thanks to:

Yeloazndevil for giving me a link to the original post by Squall Leonhart and for spreading the fix!
Squall Leonhart for figuring out the issue and sharing the fix! Here’s a link to the original post!
Jim for being a helpful chap and trying to figure out the issue!
**Edited the guide to reflect name change. -Jim
