FTL: Faster Than Light Guide

How To FTL for FTL: Faster Than Light

How To FTL


Look this game is not just skill based but it is also luck based as well, I only have about 18 hours on this game as of now and still a beginner so if I am wrong about anything please correct me:this game is mostly luck and skill as you never get the same thing every round and get a completely different story each time, wither it would be dying by that one pirate or losing crew to a giant spider the out comes are mostly end up with you dying the first few hours of the game try to get the load out that suites your ship and learning how to use it in a way that makes you more powerful, whilst at the same time keeping you crew and ship alive from the constant onslort of space pirate and Rebels, each weapon has it own uneek ability and power ranging from EMP to burst or missals, what weapons you chose will play a big part on if you win or lose, another big thing you have to look at is you shields DO NOT forget to up grade them, trust me there is no grater pain then getting the best load out of weapons ever then dying because you forgot to upgrade your shield, other things you should be looking out for are your sensors, yes these are VERY useful (unless you are some god at the game and know the charge up times for all the weapons in the game or you have a slug on your ship) not only do they display your opponents weapon charge, but they also show the room on the enimes ship and were the crew are on it, this makes it easy to ether A) take out the crew or B) know when you have done enough damage to each room, this gives you a big advantage and the upper hand.I hope this was helpful and you get a bit closer to a win, if I have missed anything or stuffed something up please let me know as it will also help me 😀
