VRChat Guide

How to get a anime girlfriend on VrChat. (Not a scam!!) for VRChat

How to get a anime girlfriend on VrChat. (Not a scam!!)


Alright men, youyou are reading this right nowand you are probably wondering why you clicked on thisare you in a desperate need of a girlfriend?whether it may be a small anime loli or whatnotim pretty sure you came to the right place…..i thinkWELL enough chitchat lets get to itStep Number 1): Get an e-boy avatar. im sorry for all of the normally sane people, but drastic calls, calls for drastic measures.Dont blame me, remember you clicking on this guide meant that you wanted this. (pls dont kill me)Step Number 2): You might want to get a wingman, in these circumstances you are better of having a buddy-buddy next to youjust for that immediate boost in your confidence…..it works!….hehe (oh boi)Step Number 3): I know this may sound absolutely crazy and out of this world….BUT you have to walk towards them!!ik ik before you get all terminator on me, hear me out. You just need to do that for me, and you just might get that girlfriend its umm…50% foolproof.Step Number 4): Strike up a conversation, this is like the equivalent of rolling a dice and you pray to holy jezzus for a six so that you dont get immediately blocked for being a “weirdo”.Step Number 5): If you somehow passed step 4 and you are talking to the anime girl, you are now a chad. The wingman will be there to help you incase you start stuttering, unless the anime girls attention drafts over to the wingman in which case you go backto step 1 and you unfriend your wingman.Step Number 6): Now once you are tryna chat up the anime girl hopefully all goes well and you get the anime girlfriend youve always wanted.Dont worry this guide will work and by work i mean a 1/5 chance of getting a anime girlfriend.And hear me out on the emphasis “anime”, it may be a trap, and you may be sentenced to a life in hell. Dont pin this on me tho.THANK YOU FOR READING THIS I HOPE YOU WILL FIND YOUR ANIME GIRLFRIEND ONE DAY! (ALSO dont sue me if this doesnt work at all.)
