Hollow Knight Guide

How to get Hollow Knight MODS! for Hollow Knight

How to get Hollow Knight MODS!


Do you enjoy the HK base game, but wish there was support for a modding community? Did you think some bosses were too easy and want a REAL challenge? Have you heard about various mods being used but have no idea how to get them? (Did you maybe ask too many questions in the HK Discord and made people mad at you because you didn’t know what you were doing?)This guide will give you a basic overview of some community mods, where to find them, how to install them, and who to ask if you have a specific question about them. Please keep in mind that I am no technical genius and a lot of this information is stuff I’ve gathered from the HK Discord and the modding community there, and the intent of this guide is to compile this information for anyone who wants to try modding their game but doesn’t know how to start.**Edit 6/22/21: Getting comments that the links are broken, working on a fix now. To join the official Hollow Knight discord, use this link: https://discord.gg/hollowknight

ModInstaller and the Modding API

**Update 6/22/21: Hollow Knight was recently updated to version 1.5! Mods will not work properly unless you downpatch the game to version, found in Steam by right-clicking the game > Properties > Betas > choose Modders are currently working on an API that works with 1.5.

Before you do anything, the first thing you’re going to need to do is download and install the modding API. This will handle your mods and allow the game to run them; otherwise it will skip over the mods and run normally.

An easy way to do this is to use the ModInstaller exe provided by the modding team (you will need to join the Discord linked above to access this. The pinned message with links to the exe are in the #modding-help channel.)

The ModInstaller provides a straightforward modding experience, allowing you to download, enable, and disable mods from one screen instead of digging around in your game files, and is the recommended way to enable and play with mods.

If for any reason the program does not work or you would prefer to not use it, read the next section to figure out how to install mods yourself.

Mod Handyman: How to find and move files good to make the game different

If you don’t trust downloads from random Discord servers, you can always just get the mods you want to add from the modding community Google Drive[drive.google.com] and install them yourself.

Before installing any mods, you will need to first install the Modding API. This will negotiate mod compatibility and is required for several mods to run. * The API is located in the Google Drive, but here’s a handy link[drive.google.com]. Make sure to download and install the correct API for your operating system.

**Update 6/22/21: I’ve been informed that a lot of the links in this and the following sections are broken. Please bear with me as I go through and update them. Some mods may be unavailable. The link above to the modding drive should provide you with downloads of specific mods.

* NOTE: Some mods may require additional API. Be sure to check the README file of each mod you download to see if additional API are necessary.

To install the API, follow the instructions in the README file. You will need to locate the Hollow Knight game files, which you can do by right-clicking the game in your Steam library > Properties > Local Files > Browse Local Files. Once you copy everything from the folder to your game folder, you can open your game to see if you’ve done it right.

If properly installed, game startup will NOT show the Team Cherry logo; instead you will see the load animation of The Knight in the lower right corner, then a loading bar.
Once the game has fully loaded, check the upper left corner of the screen to see a list of active mods. You can come back to this whenever installing new mods to ensure that the game is reading and running them properly.

From there, it’s a straightforward matter of choosing the mods you want, downloading them and adding the .dll file to your game files in Hollow Knighthollow_knight_DataManagedMods. They should exist as a .dll, NOT as a folder within this folder.

If for any reason you think you may have altered files you shouldn’t have, you can always right-click the game in Steam > Properties > Local Files > Verify integrity of game files. This is a Steam process that checks your game files to make sure nothing the original game needs to play is missing or misplaced. You will need to re-install any mods or modding API you have afterwards.


Now the fun stuff! The modding community already has a great list of available mods to use here[docs.google.com], but doesn’t link between the descriptions of the mods and where to download them. For my guide, I’ll be providing the mod’s title, a short description, and a link to the folder where it can be found.

The great thing about the mod list is that it can be updated constantly, so it’s possible this list will become outdated quickly. If a mod linked here doesn’t work or you have trouble with it, check the modding Drive to see if there is an updated version available.

Note: The mods list contains several mods that are included as memes, gamebreaking jokes, or just things that might not be fun to use for those beginning to mod their game. I will not be including them here, however they can still be found via the main modding Drive.
Second Note: Mods that I use frequently are marked with a *

Functional Game Changes

Bindings: Applies bindings from the Godhome Pantheons to the main game. Link[drive.google.com]

Blackmoth: Changes main mode of attack from nail to shade dash. Some charms’ effects changed as well to affect the dash. Link[drive.google.com]

* Bonfire: Adds upgradeable stat bonuses purchased with geo. Link[drive.google.com]

Charm Overhaul: Rebalances charms to make them stronger. Link[drive.google.com]

Darkness: Renders the Lumafly Lantern useless and makes every room dark, similar to Deepnest without the lantern. Link[drive.google.com]

Dreamshield Co-Op: Adds a controllable Dreamshield for local co-op play. Link[drive.google.com]

Enemy Randomizer: Randomizes enemy spawns (with some limitations), with some adjustability. Link[drive.google.com]

* Exaltation: Overhauls charms, implementing an unused “charm glorification” concept from TC. Charms are buffed by completing Godhome Pantheons, making them much stronger. Link[drive.google.com]

* Fragile Strength for Nail Arts: Fragile/Unbreakable Strength now affects Nail Arts Link[drive.google.com]

Glorious Combos: Nerfs player damage, which increases as the player chains attacks (more hits = increased DPS). Recommended for Godhome only, but can be used in the rest of the game. Link[drive.google.com]

Grimmchild Upgrades: Buffs level 4 Grimmchild and makes it fully customizable.Link[drive.google.com]

Hell Mod: Nerfs the player, buffs the enemies. Link[drive.google.com]

Item Changer: Performs a lot of the same tasks as Randomizer in modifying and creating items, but can now be referenced and used by other mods. Link[drive.google.com]

Lightbringer: Changes nail attack to a ranged lance. Reworks charms and other gameplay features. Link[drive.google.com]

Load Normalizer: Attempts to make loads uniform (used for races). Link[drive.google.com]

ModConsole: Inserts a console into the game for implementing code without having to compile Link[drive.google.com]

NG+: Map changes to increase difficulty. Link[drive.google.com]

* Randomizer: Mixes up items, charms, abilities, spells, etc for new saves. Includes difficulty settings and randomization seeds. Rando 3 includes room settings. (Requires Benchwarp and SeanprCore) Link[drive.google.com]

Random Pantheons: Bosses in Godhome Pantheons appear in random order. Link[drive.google.com]

Redwing: Gives the player firey new attacks, changes character appearance. Optional hard mode. Link[drive.google.com]

The Pain of the Path: Allows the player to complete the Path of Pain backwards. Link[drive.google.com]

Modded Bosses

*All of these mods significantly buff their respective bosses*

Crystalblobbles: Buffs Oblobbles Link[drive.google.com]

Daughter of Hallownest: Buffs Hornet Sentinel Link[drive.google.com]

Indie Crossover: Integrates Propellor Knight, Fennel, and Cagney Carnation as a boss fight Link[drive.google.com]

* Infinite Grimm: Includes multiple mods for Grimm. Takes place in Dirtmouth Link[drive.google.com]

Inferno King Grimm: NKG buff, requires WeaverCore Link[drive.google.com]

Lifeblood Master: Buffs Hive Knight Link[drive.google.com]

Lost Lord: Buffs Lost Kin Link[drive.google.com]

Mantis Gods: Buffs Mantis Lords Link[drive.google.com]

Pale Champion: Buffs Pale Lurker Link[drive.google.com]

Pale Prince: Buffs Pure Vessel Link[drive.google.com]

Royal Dreamer: Buffs Markoth (I can’t find a link to this one, it may be outdated)

Traitor God: Buffs Traitor Lord Link[drive.google.com]

Tribe of Battle: Take on Mantis Lords and Traitor Lord at the same time Link[drive.google.com]

Ultimatum Radiance: Buffs Absolute Radiance Link[drive.google.com]

Uuwuu: Buffs Uumuu Link[drive.google.com]

(Continued in next section)

MOD LIST (contd.)

I didn’t know these guides had a character limit but I guess it makes sense that they do

Asset Changes

* Custom Knight: Allows for editing the player character sprites by modifying image files in the game directory. Link[drive.google.com]
Existing modified sprite sheets can be found here: 1[drive.google.com] and 2[drive.google.com]. Tutorial on installing them in the video:

InvertKnight: Inverts the colors of The Knight and various abilities. (Cannot find a link, may be outdated).

PaletteSwapper: Randomizes color tints of rooms for each area Link[drive.google.com]

PoorlyTranslated: Game text is run through multiple translations to produce a comedic result Link[drive.google.com]

Redwing Assets: Includes optional cutscenes and assets for the Redwing mod Link[drive.google.com]

TransTrans: Truth is Tiktiks are for transgender Link[drive.google.com]

Quality of Life

* Benchwarp: Allows warping to benches, options to deploy benches in custom locations, required for Randomizer Link[drive.google.com]

* BingoUI: Automatic tracking of bingo goals for Randomizer or vanilla bingo speedrun races Link[drive.google.com]

Charm Notch Mod: Automatically grants notches normally purchased from Salubra upon collecting the required number of charms Link[drive.google.com]

* Debug Mod: Allows for debug tools and features like noclip, invincibility, removing and giving items and abilities Link[drive.google.com]

EasyMode: Adds a variety of assisting effects to help new or struggling players. Requires SeanprCore Link[drive.google.com]

Infinite Notches: Player has infinite notches (may mess with existing saves) Link[drive.google.com]

More Saves: Allows for more than 4 save slots, organized into pages Link[drive.google.com]

* Enemy HPBar: Displays a customizable health bar above enemies with a large bar for bosses Link[drive.google.com]

RandoMapMod: Helper for room randomization Link[drive.google.com]

Show Hitboxes: Shows hitboxes Link[drive.google.com]

Spent Geo Tracker: Displays spent Geo Link[drive.google.com]

Unofficial Hollow Knight Patch: Fixes AbsRad hazard spawn bug, sharp shadow fix, and adds new PV statue in the Hall of Gods Link[drive.google.com]

* QoL: Slight improvements to gameplay (skippable cutscenes/credits, menu drop and storage, etc). Requires Vasi Link[drive.google.com]


ModCommon: Helper mod required for some mods to function. Link[drive.google.com]

Player Data Tracker: Keeps tabs on player data (most frequently used to display abilities and charms during Randomizer streams) Link[drive.google.com]

SeanprCore: Helper mod required for Rando 2 and 3 Link[drive.google.com]

Shade Spawn Viewer: Visually indicates boundaries of shade spawn locations in-game. Link[drive.google.com]

SpriteDump: Deposits game sprites into a folder when loaded during play. Link[drive.google.com]

Vasi: Helper mod required for some mods to function. Link[drive.google.com]

WeaverCore: Helper mod required for Inferno King Grimm Link[drive.google.com]


This is by no means a comprehensive guide for how to fiddle your way around Hollow Knight modding. For more information and plenty of people more knowledgeable than I am about this subject, ask the modding team in the Hollow Knight Discord (linked in the first section).


(copied direct from Discord user homothety in #modding-help)

– I am trying to play RANDOMIZER 2 or RANDOMIZER 3, and I get the error “FAILED TO LOAD”
+ Install SeanprCore using ModInstaller, or off of the Google Drive. This is a library dependency for these mods.

– I am trying to play ENEMY RANDOMIZER, and the percentage freezes when trying to load.
+ This is a known issue with the mod, which may occur randomly and is not always fixable. Try the following: get the latest version off of ModInstaller, make sure ModCommon is installed, do not change windows while the enemy randomizer is loading.

– I am trying to set up CUSTOMKNIGHT with the guide, but my appearance doesn’t change.
+ Make sure the CustomKnight folder contains exactly 8 sprite sheets, named “Hud”, “Knight”, “OrbFull”, “Sprint”, “VoidSpells”, “VS”, “Wraiths”, and “Geo”. Any missing sprite sheets will cause the mod to fail. If you downloaded a sprite pack without all sheets, that means the missing sprite sheets were intended to be loaded unmodified from the CustomKnight folder.

– I am trying to use DEBUGMOD, but I hid the menu and now I can’t find it.
+ The default bind to show the menu is F1. Change binds by clicking the white dot next to each command in the “Binds” menu, and then pressing the new key. Reset all binds by deleting “DebugMod.GlobalSettings” in the save file directory.

– I am trying to play any mod, and MY CONTROLLER doesn’t work.
+ This is a known issue with the Modding API. The most consistent way to fix this is to unplug the controller before starting the game, and plug it in at the title screen.

ModInstaller Questions

– My ModInstaller gives me the error “Unable to download mod list.”
+ Delete ModInstaller and download it from the link above. This error occurs in an old version of ModInstaller which was broken by an update.

– My ModInstaller can’t find Hollow Knight.
+ The first time you launch ModInstaller, it will prompt you to set the filepath if it can’t find the game. If you skipped past the prompt before, you can reset the ModInstaller’s settings by deleting the “ModInstaller” folder at %appdata%..Local

– How can I remove all mods from my computer?
+ ModInstaller allows you to uninstall mods and remove the Modding API, if originally installed with ModInstaller. Alternatively, you can restore the original game by choosing to Verify Integrity of Game Files in Steam. Once finished, you can simply delete ModInstaller, as it is only an executable.

– I’m trying to install mods on a patch other than
+ ModInstaller only supports current patch Hollow Knight. Read the guide for manually installing mods instead.

– I’m using a different program like Crossroads, and I can’t find the mod I’m looking for.
+ The only consistently up-to-date and supported mod installer is the one linked above.

– I bought the game on Windows Store and want to play with mods.
+ Unfortunately, the Windows Store has impossibly restricted file permissions to allow modding. Either buy the game on Steam/GoG, or dual boot with linux.

– Can I install mods on Switch/Xbox/PS?
+ No.

I hope this guide was helpful! If you have any questions, I’d like to say you can comment here and I’ll have an answer, but if it’s very technical I’m afraid I’m out of my depth.

Once again you can join the Hollow Knight Discord here: [link]

Thanks for reading!
