You’ve probably seen videos where you create farms and stuff to collect coins. THOSE SUCK. You only ever get a bit. This guide will get you 1000 coins every 10 seconds. Don’t believe me? Try it for yourself. Anyways lets get into it.
Step #1
Open up the game and go to Mini games. In order to unlock mini games you need to complete level
3-3. So go do that real quick. If you have already done that go to the next step.
Step #2
Go into any Mini game. Personally I chose Zombotany. It doesn’t have to be completed. It would be better infact if you did a mini game that wasn’t already finished as you would get more coins in the long term.
Step #3
Finish and beat the Mini Game BUT DON’T COLLECT THE PRIZE AT THE END
Step #4
Exit out of the mini game. To do this press escape and return to the main menu. The game will say that it will save automatically.
Step #5
Go back to the mini games and click on the same one you just exited out of. (Mine being Zombotany)
Step #6
The game will ask you whether you want to continue the game.
Click Continue and pick up the prize. As you see, the amount of coins you have will go up.
Step #7
After collecting your reward, the game will take you back to the mini game screen. Once it does this, click on the mini game you just got your reward from. So again, mine would be zombotany.
Step #8 PROFIT
Repeat step 6 and when the game asks you to continue, click on it and obtain your prize again.
If you do this for about 20 minutes straight, you can easily obtain over 100,000 coins. I ran an auto clicker for about 30 minutes and I got about 200,000 coins. So yeah. I feel like the game is very unfair when it comes to coin distribution so I found a youtube video that has very little views. As a result, I felt like I should make this guide. So yeah have fun!
Thanks to this guy for the idea: