This guide explains how to get a high resolution!
Method 1: Enter a cheat code
You can do this at any point in the game:
Type “cheatsplz” on your keyboard.
Your character should jump and a little icon will appear in the top left of the screen.
Next, immediately type “highresplz”
[link]Now, the game has automatically cranked up the resolution fitting to the one of your monitor.
Enjoy the game with your new resolution!
Method 2: Change the resolution in the settings.
The developer of the game has ctually showed interest in adding a high resolution mode in the game settings in a future update.
It’s still unclear if this will actually happen, so until then, resort to method 1.
The developer of the game has actually stated that the game is intended to be played at the pixelated resolution.
Some locations look weird in high resolution according to him, so you should use the normal resolution for everything to look as intended.