Raft Guide

How to get the achievement "You should not be here!" for Raft

How to get the achievement “You should not be here!”


This is how to earn the achievement “You Should Not Be Here!” in Raft.

Requirements and Location

This achievement is located in Tangaroa, the final location introduced in the second chapter. It is a floating city that you must enter through the loading dock underneath, which is filled with large and small rats. While you try to get to the city itself, you may pass by an elevator while parkouring through electric waters. That elevator is the key to unlocking that achievement, but to open it you have to fix the electrical wires making you parkour across the shocking water in the first place. You may find some duct tape under the city, but it wont be enough to fix them all and youll have to collect duct tape in the buildings of the city.

TL;DR, you have to:

-Collect 9 pieces of duct tape throughout Tangaroa (Dont worry, there are more than 9 so you dont have to spend an hour looking for the last one!)
-Fix the wires causing the water to shock you, unlocking the elevator.

The Elevator

Opening the elevator, step inside, but don’t push the buttons just yet. Even though this is the building with the zip-line that takes you to the tower in the middle, that isn’t what you’re looking for right now. Instead, there should be an unlabeled button in the corner of the doorway.

(picture taken from steamah.com)

This button will take you to floor -20, the reason why the achievement has a -20 as it’s icon.


Though you already have the achievement, dont leave the room just yet. This room also has some useful stuff, like suitcases/safes (which act like crates), and a tape that can be used on the radio (which you can buy outside the middle building for 6 Tangaroa Tokens.).

That’s about it, so thank you for reading!
