Tutorial on how to get the Totally Secret Neighbor achievement in Secret Neighbor.
Method #1 (HARD) (PATCHED)
Step 1: Join a quick game match and be selected as the Neighbor.
Step 2: DO NOT click “T” at any point of the game.
Step 3: Find players which are alone and knock them out with either objects, baseball bat (using the character Brave) or by using the slingshot (if you’re playing as scout)
Step 4: Do this to all the players until you are the last one alive.
This method is now patched.
Method #2 (Medium)
Step 1: Join quick game and be selected as neighbor.
Step 2: Locate the keys before the other kids. (I recommend using Detective if you know the map well, or use Bagger so you can carry 3 to 4 keys.
Step 3: Either hide the keys somewhere the kids wont be able to find them or if you’re the Bagger you can hold on to the keys and make sure nobody can get them.
Step 4: Wait until the end of the game and win due to the basement not being opened in time.
Method #3 (Easy)
Step 1: Join a quick game match and become the Neighbor.
Step 2: Hide somewhere and wait until the time is up.
Step 3: Hope that the kids are not able to find all the keys in time and win.