A little but high priced Trick to give a Car more as one metallic Color
The Trick
If you want a multicolor Car with metallic Look, heres the actual only Way to do it.
The trick just work if you have to much Money, because every Color, eccept Black, you need to pay a Paintjob.
You can just place the Parts there, I’m not sure if the Price change with the Ammount of Parts.
If you find it out, just add an Comment with the Info.
Step 1
Go to Fletari and let him do the metallic Paintjob in a color of your Wish, but not the Color you want to use for the Basis of the Car.
After he is done, remove the Parts, you want in the Color and take it back to your Home.
Don’t leave it near Fletari or they will be changed in the next Step.
Step 2
Now order another Paintjob with the 2. Color.
Again not the one for the Bais of the Car.
Repeat the Steps of Part 1 here.
For Black you can use the Spraycan, my test has shown, it has no Metallic Effect, the black color is just a bit brighter and less strong.
Step 3
Now give the Car the last Color (if you want to use 3 Colors).
After he is done, drive the car home.
Parts you put in the car or near it will get the same Color, so it is important to take the first Parts with you if you want them to stay like this.
Add all Parts back on the Car.
Voilá, an Car with three metallic Colors at one Car.
In my Version, a metallic Version of my Avatar, in the Colors of my Country Germany. =^_^=
When you do the first Paintjob, choose the Rust removal Option too, because the Option Rust Removal reset the repaired Part to standard white Color, so better add this before you do a complicated Paintjob or you have to do it again.