Crashday Redline Edition Guide

How to greatly improve car deformation physics for Crashday Redline Edition

How to greatly improve car deformation physics


This guide shows how to change car deformation physics values to make it more realistic. You can tweak those values to your liking. You will need to create a file and add 1 string to it, which takes less than 1 minute


  • 1. Open the path:
    C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonCrashdayuser

  • 2. Create folder mod_testing, open it, create folder Settings, open it, create folder content, open it, create folder dbs, open it, create file game.dbs.
    You will have this path:
    C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonCrashdayusermod_testingSettingscontentdbsgame.dbs

  • 3. Open game.dbs with notepad or any text editor
  • 4. Add Damage.OverallDeformFactor 9 (case sensitive) and change the value from 9 to something bigger.

    Default value is 9. Increasing it will make car visually deform more from impact (it does not change car HP), and it also affects cars wheel axle deformation, so your car will be harder to handle after crash just like in real life.
    Don’t forget to save your file.

    When you start a quick game, you can choose amount of damage: none, low, medium and high. This setting also affects amount of deformation. I like to play on “low”, so I’ve set value to 100 which is very realistic. However if I use “high” setting, I will have have too much deformation. Choose the value considering the damage setting you like to play with.

  • 5. Launch crashday, in crashday launcher press mods
  • 6. Mod manager will open, enable Mod development mode (top right of the window). This will enable game to load game.dbs from mod_testing folder.
  • 7. Press ok and it is done
  • 8* Note that some mods may replace game.dbs value or force different value in career. Trackmania dlc does that, you can open its workshop folder, extract the mod, delete game.dbs, and move its folder to mod_testing folder. Or it might work out of the box, I don’t know, I never tested that



note how short is this car, it is squished after a direct impact.