The Isle Guide

How to grow your carno. Basic survival guide(evrima) for The Isle

How to grow your carno. Basic survival guide(evrima)


In this guide i will be telling you how to grow your carno and the basics of carno combat and survival.


•Try to stay near the shallow river its much more safe to drink from because there will be no deinos able to kill you
•As a juvie carno you are actually very strong due to your speed so if you are a good player (which you will be after reading this guide) you can take on juvie deinos easily as long as you stay safe
•A good rule of thumb is to never try and fight a utah when theyre bigger than you.
•Utahs grow much faster. 20% utah is stronger than a 20% carno

You can hide in bushes and try and scavenge dont go for any size stegos at all. small utahs and deinos will be your easiest prey.

Above 40%

Now you aremuch stronger than you were before you can take on many things and are now pretty scary to alot of dinos.

Dinos to avoid

•Stego (any size)
•Utah as unless it is sub adult you dont want to fight adults just yet
•other carnos
•most deinos that are somewhat big

How to handle getting pounced

Getting pounced can be extremely fatal your carno in some cases so i will tell you what to do when you get pounced.

Running next to a tree and making a utah hit it will stun the utah temporarily and allow for you to get alot of easy bites in. You can also stun them by making them touch deep water. It is pretty broken right now so even if the tiniest bit of their foot touches the water they will get stunned


Now you are the largest land carnivore in the game right now and you can take on every dino in the game


I would say if a carno 1v2 utahs if they are the same skill level utah wins. The main thing with utahs is theyre pounce so you have to be quick to either not letting them pounce you or quick to stunning them.


You must never underestimate a teno as i see happen quite alot and usually results in the death of the carno.If the teno is playing aggressive you have the advantage in the fight but if the teno is playing defensive they have the advantage doesnt mean you cant kill them though.