Call of Duty: Black Ops III Guide

How To Have COLORED CLAN-TAG/ CUSTOM CLASSES AND NAME 2020 for Call of Duty: Black Ops III



-Hi everyone ! so recently i have discovered how to mod your classes / name on modern warfare 2019 and i figured hey why not apply his method to bo3 and other call of dutys? ————————————————————————————————————–Color Codes For COD^1 = red^2 = green^3 = yellow^4 = blue^5 = light blue^6 = purple^7 = white^9 = grey^0 = black- I hope this helped i know it might have been really confusing but u can do a lot of cool stuff with HXD Editor please just use this at your own risk do not try to mod your rank or change anything stupid like the value of your kills that will result in a instant ban but use this on any cod too mod your classes ! Works On MW2019 [ P.S can get banned since game is brand new] – BO3 [ Status – Safe] – Mw2 [ Status – Safe] Mw3 [ Status – Safe] Bo2 [ Works for colored classes no clan-tag sadly] and thats all the games i know this method works for ! if you like having colored clan-tags and think Treyarch should bring them back for COD COLD WAR please like and favorite this i am the founder of this but also people have been using HXD editor forever so if someone else figured out more please feel free to msg me so i can update this !

-How does it work?? – you are going to need 2 things HXD editor and a website-

- – for converting words to hex ! {very important for this guide have it open all times}
- – on this website you can get all the button codes for modern warfare 2019 and also get the color codes 🙂 !!!

-Now once u have downloaded everything its time to get too modding your classes / clan-tag ! P.S have hex converter website open now


– first you need to set ur clan tag to random letters

-USE THIS EXAMPLE clan tag – [cccc] 63 63 63 63 – these numbers represent [cccc] in hex form ! you will need the hex numbers for your new clan tag example [^6<3] – is my main clan-tag this 5e 36 3c 33 is it in hex form ! you can get these by going to the website i linked called unit conversion make sure its set too “Convert hexadecimal to text”

– now go into hex editor at the top you’ll see “TOOLS” click this and then click “open main memory” after you click that you will be shown all of the different processes running look for “BlackOps3.exe” and double click it !

– now we are almost done ! this part may confuse you but if u need help understanding please check out the se7ensins website i linked it has a full video on how to understand HXD editor and he will show u what to do for modern warfare 2019 “this applies to all call of duty games” anyways now what you want to do is press CTRL+R and a box will appear ! now u want to click on the box that says Hex – Values and make sure it is set to “forward”…..

– Next go back in BlackOps3 Multiplayer,zombies or campaign and set your Clan – Tag too [cccc] and once your clantag is set to either one of those you are ready to make it colored this works on all modes and u can have a purple zombies clan tag and a blue mp clantag aswell as a different color for campaign !! make sure u do this in the menu of whatever mode u want the clan tag in…not in a match!

– Now you go into hex editor and you are going to copy and paste [cccc] 63 63 63 63 into the top bar that says “search for” and now you are going to place your modded Clan-Tag in the bottom bar that says “Replace With” [^6<3] 5e 36 3c 33 Also make sure ur in the clan tag menu when u replace and save your new clan tag do no have the clan tag editor open just the menu showing it! P.S you only paste the HEX CODE NOT THE ACTUAL NAME OF CLANTAG and ALSO KEEP IN MIND YOU MUST MATCH THE LENGTH OF THE ORIGINAL LETTERS EX: CCCC is 4 letters so make your clantag 4 letters long ex [^2Hi] SAME WITH CUSTOM CLASSES ! <3
– Now Click “Replace All” and it should say its going to take a while but it really shouldn’t take too long unless you’re on a slower PC but as soon as it finishes hold CTRL+S and click SAVE

– Now for the last step! { THIS PART IS IMPORTANT IF U DONT FOLLOW THIS THE CLAN-TAG WONT STICK!!! CLASSES ARE EASIER THEY ALWAYS WORK!} Now close out of HXD editor and tab back into BO3 and see your clan-tag make sure its colored after that you need to try and join someone or join a game you should get a dev error or another type of error if not its okay the clan-tag should stick leave ur game running until u get a treyarch logo in the bottom right and your game should crash!! now restart the game and the clan-tag should be stuck as colored and you’ll have a colored clan-tag / entire name in the lobby and in game forever until you take it off !! if u go back into game and its still cccc dont get mad just take ur time and try the same method again until u get the dev error from trying to join a lobby or it ends up sticking !! like i said you’ll know it worked right when u see the treyarch logo and u get a black screen game will crash and then u restart and it will be there or it you will know when u reset the game and it sticks !!! P.S I have a cyan clan-tag on MP green on Cp and purple on ZM !

-CustomClasses Method-

– for custom classes its the same concept change the name of ur classes too
1 – xxxxxxxxxx 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78
2 – xxxxxxxxxx 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 ” 10 X’s in a row”
3 – xxxxxxxxxx Thats ^ the HEX code now go on the hex converter website and type out your modded classes “10 Letters Long” EX:^6Leannnnn 5e 36 4c 65 61 6e 6e 6e 6e 6e 20 “10 Letters Long Like the X’s Now “Search For” the X’s Hex Code and “Replace With” the Modded Hex Code !!!

Join My Group !!! LocalLeanMen its a colored group and if u set it as your primary everyone can see <3