Last Updated: October 10, 2014 – A guide to understanding the basics of the game.
Last Updated: October 10, 2014
- Added a new section: Crowd Control.
- Updated disclaimer to be breif.
This guide isn’t dead reguardless of how ‘old’ it is. This guide is still a work in progress. Nothing is final until otherwise stated. New content will be added when necessary. Suggestions are always appreciated. Bound to have spelling errors.
This guide is focused on the fundamentals on survival and to help new players in the right direction. This guide keeps spoilers to miniumn and is not an in depth guide of any particular part.
If you may want to learn more about the game. I highly recommend searching the Project Zomboid Wiki[pzwiki.net] if you want a detailed summary of any part you wish to more fully understand. However, this guide should be suffice if you’re playing for the first time.
How to Begin Playing for Beginners
Welcome reader to the guide that will help guide you through this grim apocalypse. You may already have played a bit, done the tutorial and still have many questions. But for those who are very new to the game. Let me start from the beginning. Those who already have a general knowledge of the game may skip this section.
At the starting screen, you will be given the option to choose one of three game modes. Survival, Sandbox, and Last Stand. Survival and Sandbox are similar in nature as you will be given a world to play in and survive. The subtle difference between the two is that Sandbox allows you to customize your game to your fancy. Survival is a feature that gets you started in the game with the default settings of Sandbox. This feature makes it to be easier to jump in and play a game. Last Stand is what it sounds. You are given some items to take on an ever aggressive force of zombies till you are dead. Similar to Left 4 Dead’s game mode survival.
What this guide will focus on is the Survival and Sandbox mode. You can choose which ever you want. Those who are starting, I recommend Survival. Set up your game with a new save name and the map Muldraugh, KY. Like this:
Next, you will be asked to set up your character. It really doesn’t matter who you pick. Just make sure to give your character an awesome name like Steve Irwin or Chuck Norris.
Then you get to pick your perks.
I would recommend one of the professions because you start with a free trait. Take the time to click each profession and learn more about it.
- Fire Officer is good with axes. Axes are hard to find but one of the best melee weapons in the game. You might want to pick him to make zombie killing easier later in the game.
- Police Officer is well trained in using guns. But guns are very dangerous to use in this game. The zombies are drawn by loud noises. So while it be nice to have fast reload and good accuracy, you risk bringing more friends than you want to deal with. Guns are mostly used against other survivors (at this moment in time, there are no survivors to worry about, so skip him for now)
- Park Ranger can stand cold weather better. He also has another perk that isn’t usable at the moment. We will hear more when more details when the game is updated.
- Construction Worker is well loved profession in the game. Giving the player two perks. 1) Resistance to bits and scratches of zombies. This is awesome considering that each scratch has a chance of infecting. If you get bit, you are pretty much infected. So this helps you live a little longer. 2) Handy. Building stuff in the game is fun but hard to come by in the beginning of the game. Still, you are getting two awesome perks, this is the one we should choose.
- Security Guard is a pretty useful class as well. Being aware of your environment can mean the difference of life and death at times. When you are asleep, you are in the mercy of what ever is happening around you at the time. This may save your life later in the game.
On top of the profession traits we receive, we can pick additional perks. Choose carefully because you must also pick banes. For new players I recommend not pick any traits just to get an idea of how the game feels (At this time you can take up Brooding and Short-tempered for free points. There are no NPCs to get upset about but will change with a future update). I like to think of these as additional challenges which allows the player to pick up some benefits. Some can be more difficult to handle than others (like claustrophobia). I could go over every trait, but if you want to know more you can check out the wiki for more details.[pzwiki.net]
Once you’ve picked your character and hit next. You will begin your new life.
First, pause the game! Either press F2 on your keyboard or click on the II in the top right hand corner of the screen. This will stop time. Just make sure the pause button turns the color red. The three other buttons control the time. The one arrow being normal speed. The double arrow being twice the normal speed. The third one being 3 times faster. The clock being 4 times faster. You can quickly select speeds by pressing the F2 button to pause the game, F3 to go normal speed, F4 for x2 speed, F5 for x3, and F6 for x4.
Now lets talk about what you see:
I took the liberty of labeling all the information that you will see from the start. The game even includes a cute little raccoon with a tutorial on how to play. Take the time to read up on the controls and other things. When you are done reading the tutorial, you can just press the X in the square in the bottom right corner. If you want to read the tutorial again for any reason. Pause the game and press F1.
Now the tutorial is nice but there is still some things missing from it. It tells you how to play but it doesn’t give you a direction. That’s half the fun in Project Zombiod, you get to pick how you play. But this step can be overwhelming considering there is much that can go wrong within the first few minutes of play.
One thing I want to point out right now is the current status of your character. You will receive icon messages (moodles) in the top right corner when something happens to your player. One issue I run into is there is little difference between the different levels of conditions. Now as you play, the moodles will shake for attention to let you know something is happening. However, I have found myself not paying attention to that corner due to things going on in the game. When your character becomes tired the game will tell you the condition of the player but doesn’t distinguish much between ‘drowsy’ and ‘exhausted’ by the icon alone. By hovering your mouse over it, you can see what these conditions are.
Since we are on the topic of moodles and sleep. One thing to keep in mind is to make sure you go to bed around the 22:00 mark. Just because your character is drowsy doesn’t mean you immediately need to jump into bed. It just means your character has begun to feel the effects of sleepiness. If you do go to sleep at 22:00 your character should wake up around 7:00 – 8:00 when its daylight. You want to do this because you can see much better during the day. It’s pretty much death out there at night with all the shadows and trees. Remember, Zombies are computer controlled so they got super human abilities. If you find your sleep schedule for your character gets wonky you can use vitamins or sleeping pills to help restore it.
The four most important things you must remember when playing:
- Do not get hurt by zombies
- Find a place to build a base
- Stock up on food
- Stock up on water
Combat Basics
Make sure you are comfortable with the controls. One thing you must understand is when you left click while holding the sneak button down (Right mouse button or CTRL) you will charge your weapon. You need to charge your weapon for at least 1 to 2 seconds before attacking a zombie. If you just rapidly left click you will not slay zombies but only bump them slightly. Time your hits so you hit a zombie with a full hit.
Once a zombie is knocked down from a hit, make sure to finish the zombie. Your character will continue to attack the zombie until a distinct sound is made and there is a pool of blood under the zombie. You will stop hitting the zombie if it’s dead.
If you do kill a zombie don’t forget to loot the body. Hover your mouse over the loot inventory panel, then click on the Zombie icon (you may need to move a smidge to have it pop up). Zombies sometimes have goodies on them, so don’t forget to check them before you leave.
I’m not kidding you when I say it takes a scratch to end the game. Getting bit is a sure way of becoming infected. The best strategy is to not get hit period. Consider your chances with each zombie you fight. If you see one, plan on having two more follow after that. You can take on stragglers but a group can be fatal at the beginning. Melee is safer when it comes to killing zombies because it won’t attract any attention. Guns can dispatch large amounts of zombies quickly, but be prepare for many more zombies after that. It’s not cowardly to run away. Don’t take on more than you can handle.
When you do have to fight. Make sure to give you space between you and the zombie. It’s extremely difficult to smack a zombie with full strength when the zombie is grabbing you. If you can’t charge your weapon for that 1-2 seconds, you will need to get back so you can. Most zombies can’t keep up with your run. So take advantage of that and run just far enough to prepare your next hit. When zombies do get too close, that is when you need to back up. More zombies = more backing up.
You will want to attack zombies when ever you can. You gain experience points in the weapons you use. Making the weapon more effective in combat. While it is always risky to fight zombies but you also will want to be as strong as possible to handle larger groups. A high level character will be able to handle more zombies than those who never fight.
One last piece of advice, be very careful when you see zombies on the ground. These zombies will look dead when you find them and they won’t have a pool of blood under them. These zombies like to move when you are right above them. It is difficult to get near these zombies without getting hit. Avoid them if you can. Most importantly, avoid the crawling zombies. For some reason, every time I try to kill these zombies with a melee attack I always get hit. Thankfully, they only crawl to get closer so you can simply walk past them. They are mostly harmless by themselves.
Crowd Control
Now one or two zombies are not too difficult on their own. It is encouraged that if you see one roaming around to dispatch it as quickly as possible for experiance to level up your skills. What happens if you attract one too many friends? Well be prepared to take action and not hesitate. If you think you can take them on, then do it. But don’t be afraid to run away. You can’t make more progress if you are dead.
So what do you do when you got a crowd of angry zombies?
1) Run then walk. Run to get distance between you and the crowd. Then when you can’t see them, walk towards a building. Somewhere safe where you can take shelter for a time. Make sure to have 2 exits in these buildings in case you do get chased. The nice thing about buildings is most zombies will want to get in because they last saw you inside there. Take advantage of this and exit out a window that wasn’t seen by the zombies.
Just remember that running makes noise. Noise attracts zombies. You got to do a combination of running and walking if you want to lose the zombies chasing you.
2) Guns are great for crowd control. This is true up to a point. They will reduce the numbers and bring in even more friends. If I want to lure a group somewhere, like a building, I use a gun. Sparingly. You only need one gun shot to get a mob chasing you. They are also great at killing zombies because you don’t need to charge it up like a melee weapon to do damage. The reason why I avoid guns is because I usally end up dead if I try to take on a mob.
3) Take them out one by one. This trick only works when you haven’t alerted the crowd. Also, it may even start a mob to chase you. But if done slowly and carefully (no running/guns) you can dispatch even the biggest of crowds. You got to inch in the sight of individual zombies and lure them towards you safely and kill them. Make sure to have a backup plan if you make a mistake in doing this.
4) Do not get surrounded. If you see any zombies coming from more than one direction. Move. You do not want your escapes to be closed off. It’s game over if you got a horde coming in front and one directly behind you.
Scouting for Resources
At the very beginning of your game you will want to set up base very quickly. Do not rush to find your dream base but rather look for important things. As you search your house keep an eye out for important items. All items have uses, some more than others. Here is some things to keep in mind when scavenging:
- Weapons (like guns, axes, rolling pins, frying pans). Don’t forget to equip a primary weapon! Even if it’s just a fork or pen, it’s better than no weapon.
- Bags make your life easier. You can equip a garbage bag in your secondary equipment to haul around your stuff. Bags make your items in your inventory lighter. It does not remove the weight completely but a percentage. Tote bags, for example, can reduce more weight than a garbage bag.
- You will want to find sheets. Sheets have many uses such as covering up windows and makeshift bandages. You won’t need a ton of them but having a couple extra is nice. Just mind the weight you carry.
- Empty Containers (bowls, mugs, pots). You want to fill these up with water from a sink and then store them somewhere (they can get heavy). The water from sinks and toilets will not last forever. It will shut down at any moment in the game. This will help prepare you to live a many more more days. Toilet tanks will hold some water after the shut off.
- Keep an eye out for useful tools and items. Hammers are great for building defenses. Hammers will need nails and planks. Axes will help a lot as well against zombies, opening doors, and cutting down trees. Saws will help you to cut raw logs into planks. Sledgehammers can break down walls. Petro will be used in making molatav cocktails.
- Food is always good to have. Non-perishable foods is better. You can find lots of food at the beginning in all the houses. Chips are both light weight and replenishes a moderate amount of hunger. Don’t worry too much about food until you have established a base.
- Seeds will be great when food becomes scarce later on. It’s never too early to start a garden but it will take many days to grow. You do not need to worry this until you have set up a decent base. When you do start a farm, make sure you have a source of water.
If you want to raid a nearby home. Just make sure to check all the doors if they are unlocked. If not, you can open windows up and climb in. There is a risk of an alarm going off when entering in another home. When it does, get out of there ASAP. You can smash windows in but I find that left clicking the window and waiting the window to open up is much less noisy and you can shut the window later. You will open the window up, but it can take more time to do so.
When you find a house you are comfortable with. You then can start hauling all the food you find and putting it into cabinets. I like sticking all my food in the fridge for convenience. You can go back to other places you’ve been and horde it all.
You will feel like a pack rat after this but every item counts!
Setting up a Base
Bases are good places of retreat. Any house will do as most of them come with a bed, a place to store items, and normally 2 entrances. You can choose to stay at a house for one day or many days. When you do choose a base, make sure to cover up the windows so zombies can’t see in. This will make your base mostly safe as long as you don’t bring any friends home with you.
If you are having issues with zombies pounding at the door. Make sure to take care of them and then use your hammer to build up fortifications to barricade the door and windows.
Sometimes you will need to abandon a base if there are too many zombies nearby. It’s okay, you can start over. While it be a shame to leave behind many items. Your survival is more important than the items you carry. Plus, you can always come back to the building and retrieve your stuff later.
Non-perishable foods should be the main storage of food. While veggies and meat are nice, they in time will rot. When the power does go out, your fridge becomes a fancy cupboard.
When you find the tools to build walls. You can set up a fence around your base. Which will protect you even more. This also allows you to safely build a garden to provide your main source of food in the game.
Losing the Game and Still Have Fun Doing it
You will die. You are not invincible. So why on earth should you even consider playing the game since you will eventually lose the game? Why play any game with a losing end? Well if you think that then you’ll just suck out all the fun. Instead, think how long you can survive in the game rather than when. This game is a journey not a destination.
So with that in mind, your focus should be to prepare for the worst possible scenario possible. But don’t sweat it if you lose. Rather you should use it as a goal to see if you can pass it later on. If you survived 3 days the first play through. Shoot for 4 days the next play through.
Some things I can suggest is to over prepare. Prevention is better than trying to fix things in this game. As I mentioned many times before, it’s better not to get bitten than to treat it. You will live longer in the game if you prepare for it.
Avoid the temptation to run all the time. Running when not fighting makes zombies more aware of your location. Even a trip down the road can be dangerous. When you are near zombies, make sure to sneak to avoid drawing attention to yourself. You still can be seen by zombies but at least they won’t hear you.
Avoid going outside when it rains. If you do, bring a towel to dry yourself off later.
Always think of the next thing you will do. Time is key in the game. The longer you play the more difficult it will be to survive. Make every moment you do count.
Just remember the fun comes from the experience. The more you play the more you will learn.
I hope this guide provided some insights to new players. I know this guide isn’t deep, it was never meant to be a deep guide. You will learn more from the game by playing it. My hope was that you were able to get just a little bit more to make your game experience more enjoyable. Stay tuned because I will update more information as I play it more 🙂