World of Guns: Gun Disassembly Guide

How to incompletely hide the HUD for World of Guns: Gun Disassembly

How to incompletely hide the HUD


This guide will teach you how to incompletely hide the heads-up display (HUD) in World of Guns.


ALWAYS follow the gun safety rules:

ALWAYS read the manual before using a weapon or an accessory. Familiarize yourself with your local/state weapon/self-defense/hunting laws before using a weapon, ammunition, or weapon accessories.

NEVER fire live ammunition in the air. Bullets travel far and still have enough energy to cause an injury, death, or property damage. Tracers and incendiary ammunition can cause fire. NEVER fire at surfaces that may cause ricochets.

ALWAYS wear proper eye and ear protection during shooting.

ALWAYS wear proper eye protection during weapon maintenance to protect your eyes from the contact with springs (they may fly out and hit your eye), solvents, oils, and lubricants.

ALWAYS wash your hands with soap after handling weapons, ammunition, or weapon accessories or tools.

ALWAYS keep your head and body parts away from the muzzle of a gun.

NEVER look at sources of light (especially sunlight and laser beams) through unsuitable optical devices. NEVER point a laser beam at eyes.

NEVER try to pull out a pin of a grenade with your teeth. Pins are designed to be difficult to pull out, and you will lose a tooth.

NEVER shoot at locks with unsuitable ammunition.

When shooting, avoid moving parts, the hot barrel, ejecting cartridge cases, and ejecting gunpowder gases (from gas vents, the cylinder gap of a revolver, the backblast of a rocket launcher or a recoilless rifle, etc.).

Generally (there are some exceptions like SKS carbines with detachable magazines and standard, non-modified bolts), when you unload a gun with a detachable magazine, it should be pointed in a safe direction first, then the magazine should be removed, and then the chamber should be checked. The magazine must be removed first to minimize the risk of negligent discharges. To unload cartridges from a magazine, remove the magazine first and unload cartridges manually instead of moving a charging handle or a slide back and forth. However, some guns require you to move a charging handle or a slide back and forth (or a lever downwards and upwards) to unload them. Also, if someone or something scares you, you may instinctively pull the trigger and create a negligent discharge.

World of Guns has many errors and limitations, and some disassembly, reassembly, unloading, reloading, and operation animations are incorrect, unsafe, or impractical. Some parts and accessories in the game are also unsuitable for some weapons. If you need help, contact the manufacturer of your weapon/accessory, or your local firearms instructor/gunsmith.

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Be careful when you vote for new models!

You can copy this entire section and use and modify it for any of your projects without giving me credit.

My WOG support is now limited

I don’t want to play this game anymore, so I may not be able to help you.

My WOG guides are outdated and have limited support now. You can create your own guides based on my guides without giving me credit.

My guide about accessories in the game is in progress.

Follow these steps

  • Start the game.
  • Go to the main menu.
  • Press the “~” or the “`” button (or the “Ö” or the “ù” or the “Ñ” for different keyboards) on your keyboard to open the console.
  • Type “set custom_mirror 1” (without quotes) and press the “Enter” button on your keyboard.
  • Press the “~” button again to close the console.
  • Open any model.
  • Go to any game mode.
  • Click the “HUD” button at the top of the screen with your left mouse button to hide the heads-up display. The “HUD” button at the top left corner of the screen will still be visible. Click the “HUD” button again to restore the heads-up display.
  • Click the “Frame” button to hide or show the rectangular frame in the middle of the screen.

To disable this mode, go to the main menu, then open the console, then type “set custom_mirror 0” (without quotes), and then press the “Enter” button on your keyboard.

Other features

  • The “Frame” button hides or shows the rectangular frame in the middle of the screen.
  • The “Persp” button changes preset camera positions.
  • The “Disams” button completely disassembles the model.
  • The “Banner” and the “Full” buttons take pictures.
  • The sliders set the lighting in this mode.
  • The “Reset” button restores default lighting settings of this mode.
  • The “Screen” button seems to create some kind of a texture. I do not know what does it exactly do.
  • The “Mirror” button does not seem to have any effect.
  • The dark blue and the gray backgrounds turn into the black background in this mode.

The afterword

Now you know how to incompletely hide the heads-up display.

Here are my other guides:

You can help the developers with the Heckler & Koch G11 rifle and the Steyr-Solothurn S18-1000 and the S18-1100 anti-tank rifles.

Help me find the truth about the designations “Model 711” and “Model 712” of the Mauser Selbstlade-Pistole and the Schnellfeuer-Pistole pistols.

Written by Bernard Samartsev (White Atheist). You can create your own guides based on my guides without giving me credit.