How to install and run the Half Life 2 MMOD (2019) easily.
1. Install Game
First install Half-Life 2 , Half-Life 2: Episode 1, Half-Life 2: Episode 2 via their relevant Steam store pages.
Half Life 2: [link]
Half-Life 2: Episode 1: [link]
Half-Life 2: Episode 2: [link]
Or just get the Orange Box which includes those titles: [link]
Optionally, install Half-Life 2: Lost Coast: [link]
2. Install Half Life 2 Update
Install the Half Life 2 update to your Steam library:
This is a completely free and extensive community-developed update for Half-Life 2 featuring beautiful lighting, countless bug fixes, and a brand new Community Commentary Mode.
3. Install Source SDK 2013 Singleplayer
In Steam, hover over ‘Library’ and select ‘Tools’:
Scroll down, right click ‘Source SDK Base 2013 Singleplayer’ and install it:
Once installed, go back to the ‘Source SDK Base 2013 Singleplayer’ in your ‘Tools’ list, right click it and select ‘Properties’:
On the ‘Betas’ tab, click the drop down list and select ‘incoming’. Then close the window:
4. Download Half Life 2 MMOD
Go to the MMOD webpage on moddb.com:
Scroll down and download the latest version of the MMOD (at the time of writing it was v1.1):
Right click on the downloaded .zip file and choose ‘Extract All’ and hit enter on your keyboard to extract the file:
5. Install MMOD
In the downloaded ‘Release_1.1.3’ folder, go in to ‘Release 1.1’, and then in to ‘HL2MModv1.1’ and copy all 6 folders from this folder:
Go back to your Steam library, right click on ‘Half Life 2’ and choose ‘Properties’:
Click on ‘Local Files’ and then ‘Browse Local Files’:
Click on the ‘steamapps’ folder:
Go in to the ‘sourcemods’ folder:
And paste the folders you copied earlier in to that folder:
Sourcemods folder and all HL2 games have to be installed on same hard drive.
If you don’t see a sourcemods folder you can just create one yourself, that will work fine.
IF you have Steam installed on one drive, but games library on other drive then mmods won’t show up after restart, here’s solution:
1. Exit steam
2. IMPORTANT: Delete sourcemods folder from steam client folder
3. Hit Windows key on keyboard and type ‘cmd’, then right click command prompt and choose ‘Run as Administrator’
4. Type: mklink /J ‘the location you have Steam and sourcemods folder’ ‘the location of your sourcemods folder on the drive your games are installed on’
Sample: mklink /J “C:Program Files (x86)Steamsteamappssourcemods” “D:SteamLibrarysteamappssourcemods”
Hit enter on your keyboard
I’ll say again, RESTART STEAM!!
6. Start the Mod
In your Steam library you will now see MMOD versions of Half Life 2:
Start which ever version of the mod you want to play.
Also check my YouTube channel for more tutorials and other randomness: