Mr. Prepper Guide

How to keep the Agent from arresting you for Mr. Prepper

How to keep the Agent from arresting you


So if youre having trouble keeping the agent from arresting you, then i have some advice that i learned the hard way.

This is a guide on how to prevent the agent from arresting you.

To keep the agent at bay, and not suspicious of your bunker building. Do as following:

*Turn the picture above your bed (in the bedroom).
*Dont add or remove anything from the house (if you do replace it with another).
*Cover the door to the bunker with the carpet.
* Remove 2 of the 3 barrels behind the house, Also move the workbench into bunker.
* In his reports he’ll label if anything is suspicious or lacking items (if youre lacking anything buy/make it right away).

Its that simple, also if you keep getting good house reports, he’ll come less often, instead of a few days itll be a weekish.