How to Kill Headcrab in Boneworks for BONEWORKS

How to Kill Headcrab in Boneworks


This Guide will show you how to kill the dangerous Headcrab in Boneworks VR. Version 1:Step One: Locate HeadcrabStep two: Dont PanicStep three: Get dangerous Item(Knife Works well)Step four: Go to HeadcrabStep five: Make scary noise to scare HeadcrabStep six (Knife): Point Knife at HeadcrabStep seven (knife): Enter Slomo mode and when the Headcrab jumps at you stab crab with knife. (make sure to act cool to impress Minecraft girlfriend)Step eight (Pistol) Aim at CrabStep nine (pistol): ShootStep ten (pistol): if not dead enter slomo-mode and try to catch the crab with one hand and shoot it with other hand.Version 2:Download Mod that kills headcrab (only for not cool people)————————————————————————————————————-Congratulations you (hopefully) killed a headcrab.Now repeat those steps with the rest of the game.