It is helpful.
Basic Gameplay Basics
Don’t die. Don’t suck. Play the gods that don’t suck. The expensive items are obviously the best so buy them.
Classes and Roles
There are 2 classes. The ones that are good and the ones that are bad. There are also 2 roles. Gods and hawaiian rolls.
The Jungle
Don’t jungle. At all…
Lanes and strategies
Lanes: Top, mid, bottom, and jungle. At top, you do nothing. MId you just spam gank. Bottom, you kill stuff. And jungle…. you don’t jungle.
Strategies: I typically wait for ganks and blame my team if I feed. The easiest way to win is don’t lose. The best way to not lose is to win. My personal favorite way to get gold is to kill stuff.
Game Phases
There are 3 different game phases one can encoutner while playing smite. The first is mid game which is good and don’t die. The second is you winning the game and the third is you losing the game, so don’t lose and die and stuff.