to get food this will be use full
(A farm 🙂
For a good food start with no zombies get 4 beds. make 4 colonists and setup 4 farms. make 3 of them berry farms. make the other one a wheat farm. now you have infinite food You Also Need A LOT Of Miners. Mostly For Copper. Copper Is Used For Beds And Lots More.
(The starting of a strip mine)
Mines get you ores automaticly. for a miner youll need 1 more bed and colonist. they are very helpfull inless they are galspuim mines!
Tree farms
you need one bed and colinist. tree farmers are foresters they plant and mine trees!http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/editguidesubsection/?id=1127290360§ionid=2015937
This is for beds and other things. the image url under this text was taken by the owner of this guide ‘derekzulu’