How to make an underground bunker (Or just an underground building in general)
Step 1: Get a Train
Reach tiers 5 and 6 via. the space elevator. Then unlock trains. Build a Train track through a cliff face.
Step 2: Drive the Train Through the Ground
That’s right. Take the train track you put through the cliff face and drive the train straight through a cliff. Physics 101.
Step 3: Exit the Train and Build
Exit the train and start building a platform. Then, fall to said platform. You might want to use hypertubes for smoother exiting and entering. Design your base as you wish. That’s it. 3 steps, one whole bunker for you to enjoy. I’d reccomend not using glass foundations or windowed walls, as with regular foundations there is more of a sense of being underground. The devs added lights to the experimental branch as a part of update 4, so if you’re playing experimental, feel free to add those to your bunker! That’s all you need to know based off my experience! Oh, and never EVER delete the hypertube or train track leading to it. It’s frustrating to restore.