How to redeem '3rd Echelon' map - [DEPRECATED; GAMESPOT REMOVED THE PAGE] for Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Conviction

How to make a ‘Simple Farming Trap’


Hi guys just want to share with you a little tip or trick which is kinda useless for at most times and can be quite hard to start pulling it off but if in the right situation you can gain the extra more EXP and RP for your character. This trick is useful for low level or starting players either online or offline but you will find it eaiser to pull off in offline. This trick can be done with any mod or just the vanilla game making it even more better. Lastly this is also MY FIRST GUIDE WHICH I HAVE CREATED ON STEAM (i was just bored and decided to make one so yeah this whole guide maybe useless XD)

1. Finding your spot…

Right first of all you want to move to a place which is fairly full of the enemy away from any of your dumb ai allies who will happily be your cannon fodder for a full frontal assualt on 5 miniguns for 1RP. As since they will just simply steal your kills like a nasty little 5 year old whinging noob while claim he can do 720* quick scopes and he is in the FAZE clan.

As shown above I am in a cosy spot on the map. Away from any allies bots but close to the enemy bots and away from the frontline of the fighting.
(I am also playing a WW1 mod of Running With Rifles and I am the good ol ‘Tommies’ while versing the ‘Jerrys’)

2. Entrenching in your spot and equipment…

Your then going to need at least one cover deploy to protect yourself while farming EXP but i always take the odd one more cover deploy in order to protect my other sides as well as my front.

For weapons you can bring whatever suits you best, however the low cost starter weapons are best to use since the aim of this farming trap is gain RP AND EXP not spend more amount of it.

As shown above i entrench myself in this spot so that I have full view from the enemies in front of my as farming is best done when you create a killzone which is basically a zone of the area from which the enemy bots have hardly little cover, hardly no movement path choice but mainly towards you. Entrenching and setting up your killzone is important in this farming trap as the better the trenchment and killzone the easier and more EXP and RP you will get.

3. starting the ‘Medic snare’…

Ok so your killing off bad guys in your comfy spot and getting EXP and RP and start thinking ‘well wtf is this guide on about this is just normal ass camping?!’ Well mister, what your going to do now is wait for a armoured guy to toddle along in your killzone to the perfect point where you can 100% down him. Once you down him, just simply dont kill him and then wait!

4. killing and more killing…

Ok so youve downed a enemy like shown as above and he’s shouting for help while you cruelly laugh at him as little does he know his fellow friends are going to die around him. =P Now any second some enemy medics will approach and oh my lord have you seen the state of the medic ai in this game? There dumb as sloth from The Goonies but they also have the heart of sloth so they’ll try to revive their fellow comrades no matter what the risk.

ahh The Goonies such a great movie of everyones childhood, should make a sloth miniboss bot mod. look there sloth is interested.
Anyway the goonies to one side, heres what would happen after few seconds when a enemy medic spots his fellow downed comrade…

5. More killing…

medic* ‘OMG NOOOOOOOOO YOU WILL SURVIVE!!!! SURVIVE!!!!’ and he’ll be like this while running to revive him…

Then when the enemy medic is reviving the downed enemy soldier just put a bullet in the medic, the wait for your next one to try and revive him!
As shown here, I kill a unfortunate medic and await my next victim who is coming up ahead. (sorry i accidently killed the downed person! doh! just pretend he’s still in agony and alive calling for dumb medics.

6. some mumbo jumbo…

For some reason the medic bots in this game are like angry feminists trying to look for a people to argue with. once they find a person they’ll go crazy and over the edge to get the person even if there miles away they’ll still track the person down. (im talking about the medic and the downed enemy here as well of course) and the best part is they just hold their medi box and just try to ‘ignore’ your bullets! XD ha. since theres less people shooting at you now as the medics are focusing on reviving and not shooting (idiots) it’ll be much more easier for you to farm. Plus the downed enemy will last for quite a while! so you’ll be like this gaining your bucket loads of EXP and RP….

7. Last one now i promise!

Thanks for reading my guide even though its pretty useless as the trick is pretty done already and this is also my first guide but i would like to say that I am currently beginning looking into modding and trying to make a fully workable mod to be released onto the workshop (a sort of a little project for myself haha and well we all want MOAR MODZ no matter how horrible.)

Anyway’s here are some idea’s for some running with rifles themes for my mod:

Running with nuka cola (running with rifles fallout themed mod)

Running with 80s overload (running with rifles far cry blood dragon themed mod, well far cry blood dragon is very 80s!)

Thats all i have so far for ideas but since you’ve kindly looked through my near useless guide here a little something for you to rest your mind on. (WATCH IT!!!! YOULL NOT REGRET!!!!)

OH! and I go by the name: PVT MURRAY online in running with rifles, meet you the battlefield!!
(all gifs and images was not by me just dont want to take credit of other peoples art, i found all these images and gifs on google images so i guess thats alright to use right?)