Hearts of Iron IV Guide

How to make an actual OP nation using console commands, in Hearts of Iron IV for Hearts of Iron IV

How to make an actual OP nation using console commands, in Hearts of Iron IV


a guide on how to turn your nation into an actual powerhouse using commands, and without the need to type them again.

general notes

firstly open you console command by pressing the ~ button

-type in manpower 1000000000 (dont include too much 0s or your manpower will go minus like wtf)
-type in research all
(always remember to use this command first before ale)
-type in ale 1000000000, for a buckload of equipments
you can also use the xp command so that you can edit your equipments out and then do the ale command to recieve bucketloads of even better tanks planes etc.
-type in ic
fill in your nation with all of the good stuff like forts naval bases radar nuclear reactors and stuff like that
type in ic again, and also dont do this without pausing the gametime, because ic (instantconstruction) command also affects ai nations
-theres also another cheat called fa which is short for focus autocomplete, this will essentially make every single focus finish within one click and focus.ignoreprerequisites to make you able to go through all focuses, and focus.nochecks to go past everything even ones that are locked if you picked another focus
do remember that these three also affects the AI, so only use it if you’re paused.

type in xp, for 500 points on all power aspects (army, naval, and air experience)
type in cp, for 100 command points
type in pp (two times)
type in tp, so that your army can teleport now
get all of the good stuff

and then voila, a starter nation that can make luxembourg an actual world power even tho its a one tile one province nation.

on the topic of changing ideologies

to change your nation into communism or fascism, and etc just type in
set_ruling_party [insert ideology] (to change instantly)
add_party_popularity [insert ideology] [insert amount] (to change it referendum way)
civilwar [add ideology] [add nation tag]
ideologies to type in are:
and democratic
major nation tags:
ENG-great britain
RUS(or SOV)-russia

internal and diplomatic stuff

type in ws 100, for full war support
type in st 100, for full stability

type in yesman, so that the ai always accept diplo offers
type in adiplo, so you unlock all diplo acts

for more fun i suggest downloading the 5x everything mod and instant war mod

thanks for reading the guides btw
