TyranoBuilder Visual Novel Studio Guide

How to make an easy Dual style Dialog box with minimum scripting for TyranoBuilder Visual Novel Studio

How to make an easy Dual style Dialog box with minimum scripting


Ok, this is an easy 2-3 steps of making a VN with multiple dialog box to use like in Happymaher (if you have played it, if not I recomend it so give it a try). so, here we go

Step 1! prepare or make your dialog boxes!

simple deal, just find yourself some designs you want, and put it under your project folder(Tyranobuilder/myproject/”project name”/data/image) and for this guide I will using the name of “box1” and “box2” and don’t forget to have it in .png format.

Step 2! make a macro!

Now, open your project and add a tyranoscript at the very begining of your scene, and enter the following line:

[macro name=”box1″]
[position layer=”message0″ width=950 height=248 top=392 left=7 marginl=40 margint=60 marginr=100 frame=”box1.png”]

that line is a macro to put your box1.png as the current dialog box. you can change the width, height, top, left, and margins values as you see fit.

then just copy that line and paste it under the original one but this time use macro name=”box2″ and frame=”box2.png”,and again, you can change the values of width, height, top, left, and margins as you see fit.

Step 3! Implement it!

Just add a tyranoscript right before where you want to change boxes, in my case I always have a remove text before and show text after the tyranoscript for a transition and use either [box1] or [box2] tags you made earlier and it will runs the macro for either box. so for some example:
(italic means it’s a drag and drop components)

[macro name=”box1″]
[position layer=”message0″ width=950 height=248 top=392 left=7 marginl=40 margint=60 marginr=100 frame=”box1.png”]

[macro name=”box2″]
[position layer=”message0″ width=950 height=248 top=392 left=7 marginl=40 margint=60 marginr=100 frame=”box2.png”]


text component

This text is using dialog box1

remove text

show text



text component

This text is using text box2


That’s all from me, forgive me for any mistakes I made on this guide, mostly miss spelling, or typo. and if you have anything to ask, feel free to comment~ I’ll try to help as much as I can.
and thank you for reading this guide, I hope it helps in anyway.
