This tutorial will teach you how to make clean style portal 2 maps. Map I made while making this turotial if for mod so I can’t share it.
Making puzzle.
Well. You can do everything in it 😀
Making basic shape in hammer
Start from making basic shape from brushes. Leave empty space for cube droppers etc. Then put textures.
Now add testing elements and indicator lights.
Detailing floor
Start from making hole 16 units deep.
Now add frame texutres to sides and concrete texture to bottom.
Now you can add frame models.
Now add tiles to it (16x16x2).
Detailing Walls
Create hole in wall like that (16 units deep)
Now add frame models.
Now add tiles to wall. (16 x 16 x 2).
Now you can add some decals like that:
Other Tutorials From Series
-Overgrown Style
-Clean Style
-Underground Style
-Reconstructing Style
-Wheatley Style